Monday 4 August 2014

My precious Mac xxx

Mac came home with his first individual school pic just after school started back for Term 3. I don't remember him getting one taken last year so just for the record this is what my handsome boy looked like in Year 2. 

Also for the record is a copy of his school report that came home just this past Friday. He's doing pretty well considering he's one of the youngest in his year. The teachers said we could choose whether to put him up to year 2 or let him re-do year 1 again, but he's keeping up with where he should be for year 2 so that's awesome! 

And since I'm scanning school stuff, I may as well include his class pic from the start of the year. His teacher Mrs Lovegrove is really lovely & his bestie River (from last year as well) is on the very left hand side of the row Mac's on. It's such a great feeling knowing that my boy enjoys going to school each day. I love seeing him learn & grow :) He's obsessed with dinosaurs & animals - mostly the deadly kind! I really don't know if he'll ever read a fiction book though cause non-fiction is totally his thing!

A few funny things he's said lately.....
- When I asked Spence if he was was telling a lie a couple of weeks ago, Mac immediately jumped to his defence & said "no Mum, he's not lying, he's telling a myth." Haha, good one son!
- Oh & then another afternoon he came home from school asking me if I knew about hell & I said no, not really cause I'm really hoping not to go there & it's only somewhere you could go after you die & he said "no cause Mariska's dad's been there!!" lol....not sure quite what they were talking about school but interesting to know that Mariska's dad's been there haha

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