Sunday 31 May 2015

Saying goodbye to Ensign xoxo

Saying goodbye to Ensign after 28 years happened just over a month ago now on the 24th of April, but I've only just gotten around to uploading the pics...I haven't thought of it too much since then - but looking at the pics now does make me feel a little bit many good memories of happy times growing up with Mum & Dad & my 5 besties there :)
I will always be eternally grateful that Dad emptied out that garage before I ever had to do it though, cause funnily enough, having to sort through all the stuff in there has always been one of my life's greatest fears!! 

Crazy to see it all empty though...& not even just the garage, but the whole house :( So grateful that the memories are ours to keep forever x

Just a scenic shot so we'll never forget the view walking out the front door...

Our cool bell - that the leather strap had long gone from...

Wonder what the new owner thought of the styly ducky key holder lol

The downstairs room that everyone had a go of - doesn't look anywhere near as good as when we painted it purple & decorated it with lime green photo frames & gerberas though!! Or what about the old bar that used to be there when we moved in & the retro grubby old couches from way back in the day with the tippy chairs lol....or the office desk we had in the wardrobe with our very 1st Compaq computer - & how we used to wait hours trying to download a single song on Napster haha. Man those were the days!!

So many yummy family dinners & special times spent in this dining room. The kitchen had come a long way from when it used to have a sliding door at each end & a peep hole through from the kitchen to the lounge as well. Looking back on it I actually think our home was really contemporary in that regard cause I guess those little peep holes were the first step towards open plan living connecting the kitchen & living areas lol

The 'big dog' wall - many an hour spent in the lazyboy watching Viera here over the last few years ;) 

The view from Mum & Dad's room

Way back in the day the window in this room only used to be as big as the top two windows & Mum & Dad had their bed where Mac is standing facing into the room. It was lifechanging then when they renovated & got this massive big window that they could turn the bed around & have city views from!

It's funny, but when you take out of a house the people that you love & all of the things that make it you, it becomes just an empty shell that looses the warmth it once had. I wasn't quite sure how I'd feel walking through it for the last time on that Thursday, but without the things I loved in it, it made it a whole lot easier to leave behind.

So glad Grandie got the courage to sell & move on like he's been wanting to do for a little while now....

And thankful that he knew it was the right time & didn't feel any anxiety about it

Spence standing by Grandma Julie's flowers x

Ensign may have new owners now, but it will ALWAYS be in our hearts. What a blessing it was to our family to have such a safe & secure place to live in & be able to come home to for all those years x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this Nasal. Good times alright. Will definitely be taking Jules and any other kids past there in years to come
