Saturday 20 February 2016

Spence's Buzzy Bee School & Bayview Kindy

I don't know why I never posted this entry, but I was just looking through the back end of the blog & saw that this one was still in draft format so I'm just gonna post it now so that I still have these pics on here - even if they are over a year old now!! 

Spence finished at Bayview Early Learning Centre at the end of term 3 2014 & then started at Bayview Kindy at start of term 4, so here's how little he looked way back then.....

Guess we must've had sleepover with Pod that night too :)

And then here's how gorgeous he looked starting off at Bayview Kindy at the start of term 4 - he was just one of the young ins back then, but now he's only 6 months away from starting school!! :) :) :)

Love you forever beautiful boy x

Holiday round up :)

It's so sad looking back on these pics & feeling like the holidays are just a distant memory now that we're just about to start our 4th week of the 1st term!!

I wasn't sure what to expect with these hols & thought that maybe they might drag a bit with Stan still not being home, but they were totally our best ones yet & we had such a blast with our Aussie fam over at the start for Christmas & New Years & then endless pool, park & beach days throughout the rest of Jan. 

Sleep ins & endless sunny days & not having to worry about new ideas of what to put in the lunch boxes was the best & I'm still in depression that those days are now gone until next year's a few pics to reminisce on all the fun times we had though!! 

Our 1st passionfruit sponge to kick off the birthday cakes for 2016 :) This one was for Uncle Kelly Jnr who would've been 36 this year xxx

This shark fin floaty of Aunty Natty's was a bit of a winner for this dude who wore it around the house for a few days after our trip to Parakai

Our holiday sleepover with little Miss Ella :) Always so much fun to have this little treasure around x

These two always play so nicely together - on Sunday morning they went through every board game....

Painted the whole water colour book....

And then played with the kinetic sand...

.....Before it was finally time for afternoon church :) 
Ella was desperate for hair & makeup so even though it was really sticky & humid weather I couldn't say no to her sweet little request. She was really self concious about the graze on her nose too but I told her not to worry cause even with it she'd still be the most beautiful girl there ;)

And what's an Ella & Spence sleepover without at least one costume change!!

Then she chose an Elsa hair tutorial for her hair do before we headed off to meet the others for our Clip n Climb adventure!!

Wasn't quite sure about how clip n climb would go but it was definitely money well spent!! 

This guy is getting so much braver with the world as he gets older!!! Yay, finally!!

Mell you still really need to put together a style file blog post for this cool chick! Love how she's so confident in her own style & totally rocks it! xx

These guys had an absolute blast out in the rain one day - wish it was warm enough to let them do this in winter cause it totally kept them entertained for at least an hour! (The only reason they had to come inside is cause Grandie got home & saw them lol)

Trip to the rockpools with Miss Shy & then off to the Potter's Park to meet the Heke crew...

These two are so cute when they get together (Mac always starts to feel a little left out though haha)

The kids said Aunty Mell & Uncle Jo were having a little date on the other table - I was obviously just the babysitter lol

All upset about having to say goodbye :(

Not a great photo, but us at Tai's haircutting - Tai's sitting on the chair with Jacqui & Kene on either side

Toni sent through a pic of how awesome the new owners have the backyard of Ensign place looking!!

And last but not least, we went to the Heke's ward for church on the last Sunday on the month rather than me braving Stake conference with the boys on my own!

So that was January 2016 in a nutshell! Crazy to think that in only just over a week February will be over too...slow down 2016!