Sunday 3 July 2016

Catch ups from the month of Feb!!

Life's pretty hectic these days so blogging has slipped way to the bottom of the priority list until I figure out how to fit it back in on a more regular basis. I have a heap of posts just sitting as drafts from the start of the year though, so I figured I may as well try & get these up since some of them are going way, way back now that we're already into July!!!

This was Mac's first day back at school for 2016 - which also just happened to be his first day in the 60 kid digital class & his first day in the same class as his cuzzy Shylah (who was just starting at Bayview Primary that day). We now have a super cool system where Aunty Jose does the school run each morning & I do the pickup every afternoon :) Crazy to think that we could've been doing this the last 3 years if only they'd been at the same school sooner!! Makes life soooo much easier & gives me an extra hour each day!! It's awesome :)

Mac with his cuzzy bro xx

And with the little bro xxx

Lunch date with Dadda at Masala (his fave indian restaurant up in Birkenhead which has since shut down!) This was celebrating the good news that after 10 years of living at Peach we finally found out that we actually own both the back parks!! (after both sets of neighbours have been using the park all these years!!)

Mac playing a little joke on me...what a sad guy!!

Pretty excited to find the note & the chocolate only to discover that the chocolate was a rubber :( lol

Fun adventures on the pink bike track next to the motorway we'd been wanting to try out for AGES!

Then after that we drove down to the viaduct to catch the bus up Queen St. Buses totally never get old for little kids!! Spence was beside himself with excitement & kept saying the whole ride "this is the best day of my life!!"

Icecream treats at BK & then subway cookies...

Then after that it was back on the bus to the viaduct & the boys just played on their bikes & ran laps up & down the stairs there all afternoon. Man really miss those nice warm summer days just chilling as I'm sitting here typing this in the middle of winter! Thank goodness it's not too far away before it comes around again :) 

We missed having Stan around for our birthdays/anniversary & Valentines day, but made him some cards so he wouldn't forget how much we love him & think of him always xxx


  1. Hey that's so funny about the rubber chocolate. Yeah would've been great if you had your car pooling thing going years ago. Oh well, better now than starting in intermediate. Bring back those summer days!!!!!! Love the cards you guys did. That pear one is gorgeous. Love Spences pics

  2. Haha pete cracked up at the chocolate that is so up his alley. Spencers smile!😂 Bring back summer alright!!!!!!
