Saturday 22 October 2016

Iphone pic update part 2 (April - June)

This was the 2nd lot of Iphone pics from the 1st half of the year that I still haven't gotten around to posting so here they are - some of them a whole 6 months later!!!....but better late than never right :)

Spence with the little Easter basket we took over to our new neighbours...I wasn't exactly sure whether they celebrate Easter cause I'm don't know what religion they I was hoping it didn't seem insensitive but they had just moved in so we wanted to welcome them

A treasure hunt on Easter morning for these 2 chocoholics :)

Pretty chuffed with their stash at the end!

The behind the scenes of making the CTR cookies for Mac's baptism. Was so pleased with how they turned out in the end, but they took a good few hours work to get ready!

And the kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it while I was in the process as usual!!

Nix came over & did the white writing part for me since she has such great printing & a really steady hand for that kind of thing

So chuffed with how they turned out!

The baptism boy getting his hair cut at Hair Masters the night before the big day...

Little Miss Dall's 2nd bday party xx

Love this pic of this beautiful mummy & her baby girl x

After putting every pair of undies in the packet on lol

Spence totally immersed in his make your own superhero cutouts - such a cheap & awesome find....kmart of course!

Cracking up on faceswap :D

Love my nice straight, white teeth in this pic - too bad about the facial hair that kinds ruins it!

Daddy Trump lol

On the Air NZ plane on our token museum holiday trip

A totally awesome day with the Hekes, Halls, Murrays, Bennetts & the 
Walters up at North Head

Mac hates public toilets & had needed to go No 2 for HOURS but just kept holding onto it. After a whole afternoon of this torture he couldn't hold on any longer so had one MAD DASH to the toilet. He made it there JUST IN TIME & I think (or at least hope) he learnt a valuable lesson about just going when you need to go & not risking a major accident/embarrassing situation!!!

Check out the relief on this face lol

He went from a big thumbs down....

To a MASSIVE thumbs up & huge relief lol. Crazy kid

It was freezing in the water on a late autumn afternoon but these guys still had a blast

Another school holiday trip with heaps of the other church kids on Uncle Don's school bus

Sleepover fun with Jordy & Kyky

Meeting the Hekes later on that day for Zootopia

Chilling out with this little cutie dude back when he used to have Tuesdays & Thursdays at home - which is sadly no longer!! ;(

This little champion after she smashed the Year 1 girls cross country leaving everyone else for dust!! So proud of this little superstar & her muscly legs x

Back to Summerland for lunch

Superhero quiz night at the chapel

The best photo Mac could get - which totally looks like I've got big rolls on my right hand side! Not cool Mac, not cool!

Back to Summerland on a Friday night for Ella's 6th birthday pj party & 
movie night with Macca's & lollies. Yum!

Our pressie to the birthday girl

Spence scamming in on my lunch date with Clare & Millie

Spencer's bestie's Dylan's last day at kindy back at the end of May

Mac & Ace when the Rameka's came back to visit NZ in June

Two peas in a pod!

Mac at this first school sleepover for Matariki

Valentines for dinner with Aunty Natty & the boys. This was a first (& probably a last for a good few years at least haha) for Mac & Spence, so they were just a tad excited!

Phew! Think I'm finally up to date on the first half of the year just as we're almost at the end of October!! It's been a busy year....

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