Saturday 30 December 2017

Christmas trip to see Mumma 2017

Dad suggested a Hamilton Christmas trip to see Mumma on Thursday to which we all willingly obliged - even though we were a little bit worried about getting stuck in queues and queues of New Years traffic! (turns out we ended up worrying for nothing though cause it was totally free flowing the whole way, thank goodness!)

As soon as we arrived at the cemetery everyone got out and ran to Grandie's car desperate for some treats - cause we all knew he would have them haha ;) 

Family pic at the boys before Nat and Jo arrived

Uncle Carl having a run around with the kids :)

Mac doing Dall's new photo pose

The Grandkids taking turns washing down Grandma Julie's headstone 
(under the direction of Grandie) xxx

The NZ grandkids with Grandma Julie xxx

Next stop, Wendy's for lunch...

Mac and Indie sat down the end of the table by themselves and had the cutest little time eating 
and communicating together xx

After that it was off to the temple and the visitors centre where the sister missionaries gave the kids a scavenger 
hunt to complete

Jordy didn't want to be in any of the photos but then came back and asked if he could have one with Jesus! Cute Jords x

Snapped these guys checking themselves out in the window lol

And again haha...

This was Spence pushing Indie around in squares lol (the other day when we left Marlborough Park and drove round the block 
Spence exclaimed "Dad why are you driving round in squares!?" haha

Love these two cuties! x

I was the last one following the fam down the hill to the playground and it reminded me of Lehi's dream. 
So ETERNALLY grateful for the family Heavenly Father has blessed me with!

No-one knows why Dad had to ruin the photo with the pink hoodie?!

I called Ella over to test out taking a photo in the pretty flower field and then never got around to calling all the kiddies 
over to get a cuzzie pic :( Definitely next time!

Having fun at the cool new temple playground before heading home

Such an awesome fun filled day with the fam! x

Christmas Day 2017

You never quite know how early the wake up on Christmas morning is gonna be but this year it was 6:30am which was an hour earlier than what I'd hoped... but I guess it could've been worse!

The boys had very specific things that they were hoping for (Mac wanted an Ethic Erawan scooter deck, Root Industries neochrome wheels and an Apex grip tape & Spence, friendly grip tape & a snowboard) so they were both pretty stoked when Santa brought them exactly what they'd wished for!

Actually Spence's reaction for the snowboard wasn't anywhere near it's value, but he's totally stoked with it and 
has been a pain in the butt over the last week pulling it in and out of it's box

I'm bummed these pics are blurry but Mac was so worried Santa was gonna buy him crappy Razor wheels 
(cause last year he asked for a go pro but got another cheaper brand haha) so he was stoked when he opened them to find they were actually the ones he'd asked for

Thank goodness for Uncle Mattsy being so willing and super able to help Mac out trying to put it all together. Too bad that after what seemed like ages, they were finally ready to put the new deck on but realised it needed a different head set to be compatible! (Stink cause they just had to put the old one back together after everything that they'd just spent ages taking apart lol)

Handsome boys xxx

Miss Shy with her new Chrissy present

The pretty Christmas table Jose had set up

One of Blakey's new pressies...that kid has more tracks and cars than 
anyone I know!

The yummy spread! Breakfast food is so good!

The primo french toast bake I made. This picture totally doesn't do it justice! It looked way more appetizing in real life 
and tasted so good if I do say so myself! I can't wait to have an excuse to make it again for something!

Such a fun morning with the Leone fam... and we even had Grandie and G turn up for a bit which was super cool too. Definitely the most chilled out Christmas Day we've had in ages!! I loved it!