Saturday 30 December 2017

Christmas Eve 2017

Can't believe it's been a week since Christmas Eve already!!! There's been some SERIOUS eating over the last few weeks & Christmas Eve with the Ormsby fam was no exception!! Usually we do Christmas Eve with the Leone's and Christmas with the Ormsbys, but the whole Heke clan was in NZ this year so the Hekes called a swap so Christmas Eve it was :) Everything was pretty much the same as usual except we had Uncle Carl and Aunty Brooke and Jeanette with us! 

Here are the pics...
....someone bought heaps of fizzy cans so the kiddos were in heaven 
sculling them back!

Little Miss Dalls crashed out before the main event!!

Uncle Carl and Aunty Brooke - so cool to have them here with us!!

Nothing beats Aunty Mell's wedges!


Uncle Jo and Uncle Stanie's standard thumbs up pic, Christmas 2017 lol

And the Leone's finally back together for Christmas again!!! Whoop whoop!!

Close up of Uncle Carl's awesome Santa shorts :)

No pics of dessert cause everyone was too focused on eating it, but we had Brandy Snaps, Dad's Ambrosia & a yummy pav from Jeanette. Such a fun day full of top notch food and the best company! We rolled home super satisfied after an awesome feast and ready to rest up for round 2 the next morning!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Cant wait to joins yas again! Love how Jeanette feels so welcome 😊
