Saturday 25 March 2017

Spencer's 1st day at school!!!

On Monday the 19th of September, the day that Spence had been waiting for for the LONGEST time finally arrived. His first day at school!!!! He was so super excited - I don't think there were actually any nerves AT ALL so when we went & dropped him off to Room 1 with Ms Craddock & all his new classmates there was no looking back! He's settled in amazingly well & is always excited to head out the door each & every day so that's really all you could wish for as a parent. 
We love Bayview School so it was super cute to see Spence all kitted out in his little uniform & ready to head off with his cuzzy Shy & big bro!

This kid was lucky enough to know half the school coz of Mac already having been there for 4 years! Here were some of Mac's crew ready to welcome him in :) I'm actually not sure that this was such a good thing as Spence never plays with anyone his age - in fact he just lost his new bestie from the last 11 weeks, Rico, coz he was a year 6 & so is off to Intermediate next year. Apparently he has big kids giving him piggy backs all lunchtime long & when we leave school in the afternoon there are always big kids saying 'bye Spence' & stopping to give him hugs lol

Pic from 1st day of school back in Feb 2016 when Spence was desperate to start school with Mac.....

And then with his big bro again in September 2017 on his actual first day...

There was a lot of photo taking this morning & Spence finds it hard to pull off a good camera smile at the best of times, so he was really starting to lose it by now - not that I can talk, I've got lipstick on my teeth lol

With his old kindy mate Tai

Spence & his teacher, Ms Craddock

After we dropped him off to his classroom, we waited a few minutes while they marked the roll & then headed off to a whole school assembly where Spence & his family were welcomed into the hall like royalty & as though we were coming onto a marae. They had a whole welcome ceremony for us & made us feel so incredibly special! I was honestly holding back the tears the sprit was so strong. I feel so blessed to be such of an awesome school community where my kids are so happy & cared for. It will be a really hard thing to leave Bayview School when that day finally comes :( What an awesome 1st day all around!

Our super hot, awesomely fun trip to the Goldie (for Carl & Brooke's wedding!)

A few weeks (actually months ago now cause it's taken me so long to post this!) we got back from an amazing, fun-filled 2 weeks on the Goldie. The kids had been hanging out for this trip for a few months since Uncle Carl & Aunty Brooke announced they were getting married in Jan, so when the day to leave finally rolled around the excitement levels were through the roof!!

My iphone died while I was over in Oz though so unless the phone guys are able to recover my pics & videos from the airport & the plane (Spencer's 1st ever time on a plane!!) we'll never be able to see just how excited the boys were, but trust me they were totally hyped :)

Here are the pics of our awesome trip that I managed to get on the big camera - I still haven't managed to replace my lens so way too many of the pics are out of focus, but I had to include them anyways cause they're the best I've got & I don't want to forget any of the memories of our amazing time!

This guy clowning around hassling Pete & his bum bag lol

A fun game of family feud on Friday night to kick off the family reunion

Then Saturday morning was onto the minute to win it games

It doesn't really matter who wins as long as someone beats Azza haha.....this is him giving Mac a little team talk about letting him shoot & Mac sorting the super important job of picking up the bullets lol

Dad & the bros before heading out to Carl's boys dinner the night before the wedding

Who looks as amazing as B Rocka after just having had a baby a week before?!

So blurry but I love the way these two love each other & are always 
up for a little posing for the camera xxx

And how adorable is this little cheeky face! x

Trying to get a nice cuzzy photo with the newest arrival, Lukey - not an easy thing to do obviously, so this is the best I got!

The little bro on the morning of his wedding!!! Pretty cool, calm 
& collected & super excited to be marrying the girl of his dreams <3

Our good looking children....I know I'm biased but I seriously think 
all the cousins from our family are super handsome/beautiful!

Mum would've been so proud!! Just imagining her on the 
other side of Carl in this pic xxx

And just to finish off a few pics from the professional photographer....Brooke was the most stunning bride! Carl really did hit the jackpot finding an eternal companion that's so beautiful both inside & out. And not only that - she sung him a song at the reception & her voice is amazing!! So exciting to have another special sister & aunty join the family xxx

Our GC holiday is definitely one we'll never forget & can't wait to do again someday....just preferably not in Jan in the 35-40 degree heat next time!!!