Saturday 28 September 2019

Mac's Graduation Dinner - End of Year 6, Dec 2018

 Stan & I always wondered what our babies would look like & even to this day I'm still blown away with how handsome this big boy of mine is. I thought they'd look o.k, but they far surpassed what I ever imagined they would, and this pic of Mac on his graduation night at the end of 6 years of primary school will always be one of my faves. 

It seems surreal how quickly we got to this place, but in the blink of an eye, primary school was over & with us moving out to Whenuapai, it was also the end of our era at Bayview School. We have soooooo many fond memories of all our years at that awesome school & kindy though & it will always have a special place etched on our hearts.

My little baby at his first proper dance!!! Eek!!

I actually have no idea who this little girl was. I thought I knew everyone in his year since they've all been together for so long, but I'd never seen her before lol...

In between his mates Travis & Carlos

Mr Allison - who was his teacher for 3 whole years! Poor guy!

His other teacher in Year 6 - Mrs Cray

Losing his focus lol

With his mate, Tim

Stan must've been just starting to grow his beard

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