Saturday 11 January 2020

Mac serves the sacrament for the 1st time & Kyah's 9th birthday (& Kel Jnr's 40th birthday!)

Today was such a proud Mummy moment for me as I watched my handsome firstborn son serve the sacrament for the 1st time!!!! He was so nervous & excited all at the same time & had a boggle the whole time, but he did such a great job!

I wish I could've filmed it to be able to remember it forever & ever - but of course it's not appropriate to film a sacred ordinance like the sacrament, so I'll just have to try & remember it in my mind's eye for as long as I can. He was number 4 (out of 4) so he served the people on the right hand side of the congregation at our West Harbour Chapel & I beamed every second watching him perform his priesthood duties for the very first time. 

After that he had his first Sunday in Young Men's (where Stan was teaching) & he was also called as the President of the Deacon's quorum, so that was special. 

After church he got to go with Stan to serve the sacrament to a 92 year old lady from our ward who lives in a rest home just up the road, so he got to do it twice in one day!

Here are a few pics from church & then at our special birthday lunch/kids movie session for Kyah's 9th birthday afterwards, at the Hekes. 

Just on a side note, it's also our big bro Kel Jnr's 40th birthday today! I CAN'T WAIT to meet him & our other 2 brothers one day. What a joyful reunion that will be!!! 

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