Sunday 29 January 2012

Auckland Anniversary Day

Today was Auckland Anniversary Day so seeing as it was nice & sunny we put Mac's bike in the boot of the car & headed over to Mell & Jo's for a play & some lunch out on their entertainer's deck :)

Not long after we got there Nat & Kris came over with the boys & we set up to eat. The kids had already been picking at the food so by the time us adults sat down they were all off playing! Yay :)

We had a yummy spread as usual - ham, egg & salad sammies with mini munchkin donuts for the kids & rumbles (or rumballs) for the adults - the same recipe Mum used to make :)

After lunch Uncle Jo took the kids outside & they had a blast setting up the tent in the backyard. Mac didn't wanna come home after that (as usual), but as soon as we hopped in the car he was out!! :( So now he's having a super late afternoon nap & is gonna be up all night!!! Lucky me....

Here are some pics from our fun day....


Even other babies can't resist squeezing those cheeks lol :)


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