Monday 23 January 2012

My besties xxxx

Tonight I called Mell & she was out at choir practice so I left a message with Joe for her to call me when she got home.....Not long after that Nat called me so we could talk about timing for getting ready for her wedding tomorrow (exciting!!!)..... then while I was talking to Nat I heard beeps from Mell ringing through on the other line returning my call....but because I was almost finished talking to Nat I didn't answer Mell's beeps cause I thought I'd just call her back in a minute rather than switching lines to explain to her that I'd call her back in a minute.......when I did call Mell back in a minute though she had just started talking to B on Skype so she asked if she could call me back when her & Rochelle had finished talking lol....
Anyways, I told Mell that was fine & then got off the phone & as I sat back on the couch I smiled to myself thinking about what had just happened & how cool it is that there are four of us girls in the family & how awesome it is that we all get along so well & are so much a part of one another's lives. It's probably lucky I don't have a daughter cause if I did I'd have to keep having more & more children until she had a few special sisters of her own :) I love my sisters no number - my life definitely wouldn't be the same without them!!

Pics of me & my beautiful sissys xxx

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