Sunday 22 July 2012

Be of Good Cheer

Be of Good Cheer - The future is as bright as your faith :) 
(Click on the link above for the article)

Yesterday I logged onto my facebook and was having a quick look at my home page when a post from our Aeroview Ward RS President caught my eye. It was  a precious reminder to me that Heavenly Father loves each & every one of us & is totally aware of our very individual needs. 

It was EXACTLY the pick me up I needed right then & there & when I started reading it made me cry because even though I know it was written by President Monson, yesterday he was only the mouthpiece for what Heavenly Father wanted me to hear :)

I was uplifted by the faith of those in the first two stories, but the third & final story really made me break down. You have to have a read of it to be inspired & strengthened by that stalwart mother's faith & endurance.

 If her story wasn't being told by the Prophet you almost wouldn't believe that all she went through could actually be true, but wow when I compared what I think of as hardships to all that she suffered without complaining, I realised that I should be dancing on the rooftops because I have it so easy....o.k maybe not, but it really put things in perspective & was a great reminder to me of how we all need to be :) 

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness. My face is sore from crying so much. That is heartbreaking!!!!!!!!!
