Saturday 14 July 2012

Party at Maccas

Yesterday Dad, Mac, Spence & I went to Timmy's 1st birthday party at Maccas & since the Hekes were just across the road watching the church team play rugby, they stopped in for a visit after the game. Here are some pics from our afternoon. 

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my family???!!!! 
Spending time with them is the best xxx

Serial poser....the gangsta pose is probably her fave. Too cool for school - that must be why she's apparently been calling me Renee instead of Aunty Nae lately?
You can't see the bruise on her nose very well in this pic, but she'd just been to the A&E a couple of hours earlier to get an xray done to see if it was broken after she'd tripped over & wacked it on a step at church
Mac so excited to finally get a tattoo. He's been asking for one for ages!!!
Ella coming over to say hi to Pency. Notice Spence's hands up ready to protect himself if she tries to come any closer lol

Our beautiful little baby Seth :) 10 days old x

Spider cuzzies - I'm thinking different people must have done their faces?
With the birthday boys, Mr Cobbett & Timmy

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