Sunday 19 August 2012

11 months

I wrote this post on Wednesday but am a little late putting it up as I realised that I didn't have any pics to go with it!! I obviously haven't been as snap happy with the camera this month - at least not of Spence anyways, so I finally got a few pics of my cheeky little monkey this morning before church :) .......

Spence is 11 months old today!! Only one more month to go before party time!!!

So I guess one of the biggest milestones this past month is that he no longer needs to be wrapped for sleep - FINALLY!! It took awhile but we got there in the end & he's making the most of this new found freedom by spinning & rolling & getting himself into some of the most uncomfortable looking positions....but oh well, as long as he sleeps we're both happy :)

He's still pulling himself up on everything & walking around the furniture. I'm getting pretty excited about those first steps that'll be coming in the next month or two!!! Gotta make sure I have the video camera ready for that one :)

Just in keeping with his grubby little habits, he's taken a shine to spitting this month so we're trying to knock that one on the head as it already looks like he'll still be wearing a bib at age 20 with all his dribbling anyways lol...

But other than being a typical mucky boy, he's still super adorable & so much fun! He's trying to add in his 2 cents more & more & gets really excited & talkative when we walk into the mall or somewhere with lots of people around.

Oh & he now alternates between his commando crawl & crawling up on his hands & feet (with his butt poking up in the air - so weird?!) I know he can do the normal crawl cause I've seen him do it, but I guess maybe he just likes to do things a bit different from the norm??!! Strange boy.....

We'll see you in a few weeks for party time!!!!

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