Tuesday 14 August 2012

Grandie's 61st birthday

So last Tuesday our special Grandie turned 61 years old. 
You'd never be able to tell though right???!!! He barely looks a day over 40!! 

Haha.....seriously though, I didn't manage to get a picture of his legs - in particular his calves, but anyone who knows Kel, knows that his legs are tops! It's damn near impossible to have legs like Ronnie without any training, but somehow Kel pulls it off. How in the world do they manage to stay looking so good???

Anyways, happy birthday to the best Dad in the world!! You're all I could've wished for & more & I hope you know just how much you mean to me - & to all of our family.

We love you Dadda - forever & always x                 

The handsome, youthful looking birthday boy :)

All the grandees - minus Matt, Ethan & Ben

Beautiful baby Seffy

B & Pete with their brood

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