Wednesday 16 January 2013

16 months!!!

Thought it was about time for an update on our little spider as I've missed the last few months with so much going on....

He's turning into such a little character! It's so cool to see his personality coming out more & more each day. And he's a little pro at signing - we thought Mac was good, but Spence has picked it up even quicker! Some of his regular signs are shower, brush teeth, hot, bird, train, car, hat, rain, more, milk, eat (food), dadda, shoes, water, dirty, fish.

He's regularly calling out Mum or Dadda when he accidentally closes himself in the room or is looking for us & he understands what to do when we give him simple instructions. The human brain really is amazing!!

When we tell him it's time for his shower he starts doing the sign for it & going "wower" lol. Shower time is still one of his faves :)

He's also just started to say "poo" in a funny kind of voice when he does his business (sorry if that's tmi!), but it's handy for us......although it's pretty easy to tell when he's done his business without him having to say a word lol....

He's at a stage where he gets REALLY frustrated if he doesn't get what he wants so if he's playing with something that he shouldn't be & we try to take it off him, there's a MAJOR meltdown!!

He's also SUPER DUPER ANXIOUS in unfamiliar situations or places!! We took him swimming at the pools for only the 2nd time last week & when we first got in his body clamped onto me like a little limpet lol......thankfully he realized it was actually fun after awhile & started enjoying it, otherwise he could've cut off my circulation!

Oh & just in case you were wondering, yes he's STILL drooling!!!!!!!!

Stan & Mac were at Waiwera for the Family Reunion today so Spence & I got to spend a cool day at home, just the two of us :) 
Here are some of the pics I took xxxx

Eating Dad's money tree lol...

1 comment:

  1. I need to see some of your signing Pence. Man, you're such a cute and clever little critter!
