Sunday 27 January 2013

Low Family Reunion

So the week before last was Stan's family reunion (for his Mum's side of the family - her siblings & all their families) & to say him & Mac had a blast is an understatement!!

The organizing committee did such a fantastic job of planning everything & the week was so jam packed full of fun that Mac was crying at the end of each day not wanting to come home lol.

We actually had to keep reminding him that life would be back to normal the following week cause he was LOVING heading off with Dad to a new activity each & every morning......Spence on the other hand hated being left behind & had a meltdown every time they walked out the door :( 

The next reunion is planned for 3 years time so at least by then he'll be old enough to join in all the fun, but for this time Spence & I only went to the opening & closing ceremonies - oh & visiting the cemetery to pay our respects to those family members who have passed on.  

Stan & Mac didn't go to Waiheke on Monday or the fishing charter trip on Tuesday, but from Wednesday - Friday they were away from morning till night at Waiwera, Snow Planet & then Goat Island. 

Here are some of the pics from Jose's camera as well as a few from Stan's IPhone....

Stan & his Uncle Joakim from Canada 
(the only brother in a family of 5 girls!)

Stan & his cousins Jacqui (from Sydney) & Tahnee

Mac, Aunty Macceine (Stan's godmother from Sydney), her son Breyton & Shylah

Stan & Uncle Sonny (from Sydney - Aunty Max's husband)

(L-R) Uncle Joakim, Uncle Jackson, Des, Stan, Derek, Uncle Willie, 
Uncle Sonny 

The cuzzies

Loving Snowplanet

Goat Island

Can't believe Stan stopped & bought Mac our fave choc fudge pudding at Matakana on the way home. I was soooooo jealous when he texted me this pic!

Exhausted after too much fun!

Spence sitting on Poppa Mario's grave (Stan's dad)

Stan's Uncle Joakim reminds me a little bit of Benjamin Bratt 
off Private Practice

Have you ever seen a rugby player posing with these facials?!

Me, Uncle Joe & cousin Kevin

Family pics at the closing ceremony....

Aunty Amy's family

The Jang family 
(Kevin, Uncle Jackson, Aunty Meme (Mary), Jacqui)

The Leone's 
(Josh, Stan, Tash, Me, Spence, Jeannie, Mattsy, Jose, Shylah, 
Mac & Ben)

The Smith's 
(Breyton, Uncle Sonny, Aunty Macceine, Curtis)

Tahnee, Ricky, Ranita, Jeremy, Aunty Jen, Oliver

The Low siblings 
(Amy, Meme, Jeannie, Macceine, Jen & Joakim)

Mac's crazy face preparing for the Haka lol

So excited to be able to join in with the big boys :)

Spence EXHAUSTED from all the excitement!!

There really is nothing better than being with family :) 
Can't wait for our next catch up altogether again in 2016!!! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, this is so cool. Mean to see all Uncle Stanie's family. I don't know if I would have made that connection about benajmin bratt but i see what you're talking about.
