Thursday 18 April 2013

IPhone pic update - long overdue!!

Niks & I at Mr & Mrs Frost's wedding :) Such a fun night!

Mac & Spence on timeout (Spence didn't have to be there he just wanted to keep his big brother company - which Mac is always chuffed about)

My yummy heart cake & choccie bar birthday card from B & Pete. Such a cool surprise! Made me feel so special! xxx

Spence was sick for a day a couple of months ago so this is what I got to do all day :) Felt terrible he was under the weather, but I loved every minute of it!

My little dynamite xxx

Mac's favourite ride at the Easter Show this year

Off down to Hot Water Beach :) Soooooooooo excited!!!

His lucky last face paints at creche

Spence showing off his six-pack at Parakai. Such a fun arvo!! I had to take Spence down the hydroslides first to get Mac to wanna come on them. Can't wait to go back again in Summer

Mac got to bring Timmy the Tiger home from school & we had to take pictures & write down what he did with this is him with us at Bunnings. Doesn't get more exciting than that!

. Then a couple of days later Mac got to bring Lettergetter home so we had to entertain him as well!! Hopefully there's no-one coming home with him for the holidays tomorrow!!

Yay!! So that's my last couple of months pics all up to date :)

Cutie pie Spence (18 months)

I have to document that I'm loving the age that Spence is at right now :) ....O.K it's pretty impossible to take him to the shops at the moment, as he magically breaks out of the pushchair & takes off at any chance he gets....but his cuteness when he's on form is just so super adorable!!! I'm totally wanting to eat him like about a million times a day with all the gorgeous things that he says & does :)

Just look at that cuteness!!! (Stuffing his face as usual)

So some things that he's up to lately.....

- he still LOVES to eat
- talking lots & adding new words to his vocab every day. Some of his latest are Grandie, Avo (for avocado), Beat It (he copies Mac when he hears him singing the song), Naughty (it's so annoying that it's actually really cute when he says this word cause he does something naughty on purpose while I'm out of the room & then calls me back in, pointing at it going "naughty".....arrggghhh. It's just too cute to growl though!!

- Oh & a special person's name he says about a million times a day is ELLA :) Whenever the Apple TV's on but it goes on standby, a slideshow of pics come on the TV screen & whenever it's Ella (or Faith) he screams ELLA & gets all excited :) I think he knows they're different people but from the photos he must think Pod looks like Ella - or that they're both called Ella maybe? I dunno, but he sure loves that name & those girlies!! 

Only time he's ever fallen asleep in the highchair (up at Grandies)

As soon as Mac goes off to school at about 8:40am, Spence comes asking for his morning tea to eat on the couch while watching his youtube faves (Yo Gabba Gabba, In the Nightgarden & Barney).....p.s he has only finished eating breakfast no more than an hour before!!

He LOVES calling out for Dad (something that he's heard Mac doing quite alot as Stan can get quite absorbed in things he's working on at times & doesn't answer them straight away).... Mac only keeps calling his name if it's one of the times where he's not listening, but Spence keeps calling Dad even if they're sitting on the couch next to each other & Stan answers "Yes?" straight away

And yes, he is STILL wearing a bib during every waking hour, but I think he only has 4 or so teeth to go so fingers crossed he'll be done with them by his 2nd birthday in 5 months time!!!

*** It took me so long to get this clip to actually load that Spence is now 19 months old, but check out the 1st time that he said IPad!! We were pretty blown away that it was one of his first words!

Sunday 14 April 2013

Swimming lessons with Helen :)

Boy are we ever so grateful Bex told us about swimming lessons with Helen! Mac has just finished his first term with her & he LOVED every minute of it :) She's such an awesome teacher & I loved being able to sit on the side of the pool twice a week watching his progress & confidence grow.

Before lessons with Helen, Mac had lessons as a toddler at Glenfield Leisure he was fine in the water, but would usually just hang around the stairs or wherever he could still stand on his feet. 

But now after 11 weeks with Helen he is confident swimming all over the pool, doing somersaults, diving in, floating on his back, just whatever!! 

He's like a little fish with all his newfound tricks & will stay in the water all day if you let him :)

We really owe Helen a huge big thank you for sharing her talent & teaching Mac & so many other kids to swim. We would recommend her to anyone & can't wait to go back again in the last term :)

My first attempt at a Ferrero Bouquet

Love how they turned out :)

A little snippet from Mac's class about a month ago 

Sunday 7 April 2013

Mac's last day at creche

Mac had his very last day at creche on his actual birthday last Tuesday :( I think this was probably the saddest part about him turning 5 for me cause he's been going there ever since he was a tiny weeny baby & has loved every minute of it :)

The teachers there are so lovely & kind & have always been so good to him & you can tell he feels totally comfortable there by the way he rips around the place like it's his second home!! 

But now that he's 5 he won't be able to go there anymore so it's the real end of an era :( He had a cool time on his last day though having morning tea with everyone & having one last play with his favourite teachers.

(Spence didn't know how to pick up a cupcake to eat it lol....but he quickly figured out how to get it into his mouth anyways :) No way he was gonna miss out!!)

Desiree & Brianna were so sweet as well & got him a few going away pressies......

A bright yellow Gangnum Style t-shirt (I'll have to get a pic of him wearing that sometime soon), some dumplings & a laminated book they had made up of photos of his time at creche :)

 Mac & his buddy Desiree - Desiree always calls Mac her food buddy which is a really nice way to put it seeing as what he's really been each day is a scab! Always wanting some of whatever yummy asian food she's having for lunch - hence the reason she bought him his very own dumplings :)

Mac & Brianna

Mac's last group pic with some of the teachers (a few of the others were at lunch)

Glad Spence still has another 3 & a half years to go with these guys :) Mac's gonna be so jealous when the holidays roll around & only Spence gets to go though!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Mac's 5th birthday party :)

On Saturday we had Mac's 2nd birthday celebration which was the party with his family & friends. He had only asked to invite Jake & Matthew from kindy so we had them along with all the cuzzies & his friends from church. 

He had such a great time at Inflatable World running around & bouncing off the walls & I was just happy to have the party & all the kids somewhere fun & away from home so we could come back to a nice clean house afterwards! :)

Here are the pics...... 

Out of Mac's 5 birthday cakes this is the one I've been least happy with so I'm going to try really hard to redeem myself next year!

Mac & Jake (his bestie from kindy)

Matthew (Mac's other kindy friend)

Jo's take home party food lol...anything & everything :)

p.s I have to say a HUGE shout out to B & Pete for all their help with setting up & cleaning up afterwards. Dad went down to the Church College reunion so I was pretty anxious about how cleaning up was gonna go without him cause he's always cleaning up as the party's going, but it turns out that I didn't need to worry after all as Petey Pete did an awesome job of stepping up!! Thanks heaps Uncle Pete, you were such a great help xx