Thursday 18 April 2013

IPhone pic update - long overdue!!

Niks & I at Mr & Mrs Frost's wedding :) Such a fun night!

Mac & Spence on timeout (Spence didn't have to be there he just wanted to keep his big brother company - which Mac is always chuffed about)

My yummy heart cake & choccie bar birthday card from B & Pete. Such a cool surprise! Made me feel so special! xxx

Spence was sick for a day a couple of months ago so this is what I got to do all day :) Felt terrible he was under the weather, but I loved every minute of it!

My little dynamite xxx

Mac's favourite ride at the Easter Show this year

Off down to Hot Water Beach :) Soooooooooo excited!!!

His lucky last face paints at creche

Spence showing off his six-pack at Parakai. Such a fun arvo!! I had to take Spence down the hydroslides first to get Mac to wanna come on them. Can't wait to go back again in Summer

Mac got to bring Timmy the Tiger home from school & we had to take pictures & write down what he did with this is him with us at Bunnings. Doesn't get more exciting than that!

. Then a couple of days later Mac got to bring Lettergetter home so we had to entertain him as well!! Hopefully there's no-one coming home with him for the holidays tomorrow!!

Yay!! So that's my last couple of months pics all up to date :)

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