Wednesday 3 April 2013

Mac's kindy birthday

Wow I have sooooo much blogging to catch up on so I'm gonna have my work cut out for me the next week or so!!!! 

The good news is that all Mac's party celebrations are finally over! (We had his last one yesterday morning) I'm just gonna go back to the first one now & start from there....

Last Wednesday Mac had his kindy birthday which meant that after 2 years at kindy, it was finally his big day to sit on the special birthday throne :) :)

His kindy pressie & the treaties for his awesome teachers 

We really do have to thank them a bunch!! They've been so great :)

It's so stressful for me letting him write in cards like this cause I hate it when he makes a mistake - crossing out is never an option for me! (I realise it's so OTT, but the perfectionist in me kicks in hard on projects like this lol, which usually means Mac ends up crying & calling me the meanest Mum in the world :( I'm trying to relax a little, but I don't think it's gonna happen overnight unfortunately!!) 
They all get to chose a song on their kindy birthday & Mac chose the lollipop song (as most of the kids do!!) he got to skip around handing out the five lollipops while the other kids all sung the song, & then he had to remember who he gave them too & collect them all up again. Such fun!!

Sitting on the birthday throne :)

As you all know, Mac is usually pretty loud & hard to keep quiet, but the cat TOTALLY got his tongue for the 10 minutes he was on the birthday chair. He was hardly saying a peep so even his teacher Kathy sitting next to him, had to keep leaning in to hear his answers! Why does he do that??!! Wish I could keep him that quiet at other times!!

Every kid gets to choose what kind of claps they want for their 5 claps, so girls often choose butterfly claps & boys maybe batman claps or star wars claps....Anyways Mac had said at home in the morning that he wanted hulk claps & showed me what they looked like, but then at kindy when Kathy asked him what he wanted he just mumbled "normal claps" looking down at the ground lol....funny kid!!

He was back to his normal chatterbox self as soon as he got off the throne though!!

So after his kindy birthday on Wednesday, he went back for his final day on Thursday morning where he officially graduated from kindy. Yay!!! Such a bittersweet day though cause it's hard to believe my first little baby is finally off to school!!!

Mac & his lovely teacher, Barbara :)


  1. oh man, I've been waiting for a week for that. Worth many laughs in there. Thanks for taking all the hard work out of Faith's last day. We'll copy the card (including the inside!!!) and treats haha.
    Uncle Joe wants to know what the hulk claps look like. So so so excited to see his first day at school photos....and party ones too!

  2. I never knew you had a friend called Judith, Renee?

  3. Oh man this blog entry makes me wanna cry! I can feel it getting closer to the day when I have to say bye to Niwa my last Baby. I hope Mac loves school, he is so ready aye!!!

    You are so creative, I love the things you gave the Kindy, yip you are a bit OTT cause so am I too LOL.

    Yes I would love to meet Judith too Renee and I didn't hear any mention of 'Kate' in your blog maybe she is referring to 'Kathy' and calling her Kate for short. But I can't really see her Shimmering effect eyelastin though. Argghhhh a blog Stalker poor you!
