Wednesday 29 May 2013

Happy School Days - Mac's first day of School

This post is sooooo long overdue since Mac started school on the 3rd of April almost 2 months ago now, but I just realised as he was starting in his proper class this Monday that I never put up the pics from his actual first day at school, so here they are.....

Super duper excited!!!

Jumped straight on the computer - surprise, surprise!!

Can't believe our baby Mac is now a big school boy. He didn't have any reservations about starting & hasn't missed a beat since! The caretaker called me over as I arrived to pick him up after his first day & told me that he could already tell that he was going to settle in just fine as he had gone straight to the P.E shed on his first lunch break, grabbed a basketball & gone straight over to the hoop to play with the bigger boys lol. 

He spent his first 6 weeks with Miss Grace in Room 1 (the new entrants class) & as of Monday this week, he is now in Room 3 with Miss Hoffman.

Mac & Miss Grace on his last day of New Entrants on Friday. 
Her name has always reminded me of Miss Honey off Matilda... 
Such a perfect name for a New Entrants teacher - she was such a sweetie like Miss Honey too :) 
I'm so glad Mac had such a lovely teacher to give him a really good first experience of school!

Mac's thank you card for Miss Grace to go with her choccies 

Mac getting a certificate in assembly on Friday 

1 comment:

  1. Cute Beaming Smile Mac!!!!
    Uncle Jo is so impressed with your multi coloured letters...he thinks that's clever Mac.
    and what was your certificate for. Uncle Jo said brown boys don't get certificates, or use computers apparently
