Sunday 19 May 2013

Oh no!!

Yesterday afternoon Spence & I were at home together while Stan & Mac were out at a bodybuilding show with Kris & Jackson. Spence had a nice long afternoon nap & then was just pottering around doing his own thing while I started making dinner. 

After awhile he called me from his room to "come look" so I went in to find him in the cot putting blankies on himself & pretending to sleep. He looked so cute with his eyes squeezed shut, but a big smile on his dial, so it wasn't until after a few moments that the thought came to mind "hold on a minute! How did he even get in there?!"

I lifted him back out & then went into the hall to peek around the corner & watch how he'd managed it, & sure enough he climbed up onto the cot & from their onto his drawers & then just jumped in! He then crossed over to the other side of the cot, pulled himself up & slid himself down the other side again. Arrgghh!!! We can no longer keep our cheeky monkey in his cage :(

Here's the photo diary of how it went. Sorry about the crap iphone quality....

I have to admit that it was pretty cool that doing this over & over kept him amused for at least an hour (his brother came home half way through & joined in)....What wasn't cool though was him getting out again after he was put in bed last night & getting out as soon as he wanted to this morning :( No more letting him sing & babble away to himself if I'm not quite ready to get up in the morning :( And no more baby that needs a cot anymore :(

We swapped Mac over to his Thomas bed when he turned two (& he hadn't even tried climbing out of the cot by then!), but I had actually decided that we would keep Spence in the cot as long we could, so unfortunately that plan has just turned to custard!! Thanks a lot Trouble!!
Proud as Punch :D

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