Sunday 9 June 2013

Beautiful winter's day at North Head

Yesterday we had the coolest family outing with Aunty B, Pete & Grandie. Pete hasn't been to the tunnels down at North Head yet, so they were heading down there & since it was such a BEAUTIFUL winter's day we decided to tag along for the ride :)

We didn't take any boxes since the ground was still a bit damp, but turns out North Head is the place for cheap thrills, boxes or no boxes, cause B & Pete had fun with the boys exploring the tunnels, trying to do jumping shots & get pics of Pete trying to look like he was falling off a brick wall into the ocean lol 

Check out the pics....

Pics Mac took with the camera from here......some of them aren't too bad!

The boys were super excited at the end of our walk to have chips & bickies from the back of Grandie's truck (you'd think they never get any treats or junk food at home lol)

Can't even put into words how much we're going to miss Aunty B & Uncle Pete when they go home next month :(

1 comment:

  1. Wow, loved seeing all your smiling faces. Looks like a real winner of an outing
