Tuesday 4 June 2013

Disney on Ice - finally!!!!

When Mac turned 5 back in April, Aunty Natty told me that she'd gotten him Disney on Ice tickets for his birthday :)  I waited quite awhile before I told him where we were going because there was still 2 months to go, but for the last few weeks we've been dying with excitement waiting for Queens Birthday to FINALLY arrive!!! 

So anyway yesterday was the day & it was sooooooo worth the wait!! We had such a cool time with Aunty Natty, Uncle Kris, Jordy, Kyky, Aunty Mell & Pod & the show was just amazing!

Check out the pics....
All excited before the show :)

Bubby Kyky too shy to pose for the camera

Thanks so much for our cool day Aunty Nat, Uncle Kris, Jordy & Kyky. That was the coolest birthday present ever!


  1. Replies
    1. I know right! It's that one I got Ella for her birthday cause I loved the colour & wanted it for myself!!

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