Sunday 20 October 2013

My Super Hubby/Masterchef

This post is really just a huge shout out to my super hubby/masterchef who is totally starting to show me up in quite a few areas around the house.....

I think I've mentioned before that he's in love with Jamie Oliver & Gordon Ramsay so awhile back he took over cooking duties on a Sunday to perfect the art of the Roast... & because he loves trying out different creations he's now claimed Saturday night as his night as well! I'm totally LOVING this new arrangement cause cooking's not my thing & everything tastes SOOO much better when someone else makes it :D 
(Plus he cleans as he goes so when we sit down to eat dinner the only dishes we have to clean up afterwards are the ones we've eaten off - the total opposite to when I cook & it looks like a bombs gone off with half an hour worth of dishes to do later...)
Last Sunday's creation of Jamie Oliver's Spaghetti & Meatballs. So yummy!!

 Deep fried crispy roast tatees - so good (yet so bad!!) lol

 Mushroom risotto

Beef stir fry

.....So along with excelling in his cooking he's also super organized around the house. In fact I'm thinking he might have some kind of disorder cause the standard used to be ironing all his & the boys church clothes on Saturday night to be ready for church the next day, but lately he's been ironing them & cleaning the chapel on Fridays so that he's super prepared for Sundays & can just relax & enjoy Saturday lol....

Oh & our rubbish day is Thursday, but if the weather forecast is for rain on the Wednesday, he'll put it out on the Tuesday night instead just so he won't have to do it in the rain on Wednesday haha...I told him he has to try & tone it back a bit though cause I don't want the neighbours getting annoyed with our rubbish sitting out there 2 days before the rubbish truck's due to arrive :) :) 

Man Dad's always apologising to Stan cause he thinks I turned out the most like him, but alot of the time I feel like I married my Dad lol....I always thought you could never be too organized or prepared, but those two just take it to a whole other level!!

Love you heaps babe! You set a really good example for me to try to follow :) Whenever I find myself procrastinating a job I don't want to do these days - hoping it'll just disappear if I put it off long enough!! - I find myself thinking, "what would Stan do??!" And then I know I have to get my A into G a.s.a.p!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness.....Joe's told me for a long time that Stan's the man and I have to agree!!!!! Love it xoxo Can you get him to teach Joe a thing (or 3!!!)
