Monday 30 December 2013

Christmas Day Part 1

I can still remember Christmas 2012 like it was just yesterday, so it seems a little too quick to be doing this post again??!!! (I just had a look at last year's Christmas post here to see how much the boys had grown & Mac looks like he's lost some of his preschooler chubb, but Spence has beefed up lol. Love all their different stages!)

Spence still doesn't like posing for the camera like Mac does so he didn't wanna 
be a part of this photo :(

This was the best he could offer :) His dislike of eye contact obviously extends to the camera lens haha

I chose fabric to barricade Mac's door this year which was a heaps quicker & easier option than the crepe paper from last year (& I stuck it up with drawing pins rather than the sellotape from last time that kept on falling off!)

Just before midnight with the pressies all set up & ready to go!!

Stan & I got up at around 6:30am & then when the boys still hadn't surfaced at 7, we put a Christmas medley on youtube & cranked it up as loud as it would go!

That still didn't get them up though, so we ended up calling out to Mac & getting him to help us go & wake up the sleepy bear.... 

Haha - he never sleeps this deep & the music was still going & everything!!

So Mac whispered to him to wake up cause Santa had brought the pressies...

And finally he awakened lol...

So they could finally open pressies :) Yay!

Because Mac was getting a scooter & we knew that Spence would want it, we decided to put the training wheels back on Mac's first bike & give it to him. We wondered if Mac would be like "that's not even from Santa! That's my old bike!", but he just looked at it & casually mentioned that Santa had got Spence the same one he used to have, so that went down a treat lol....

All Spencer had asked for was lollies, so he was totally stoked with his Mickey Mouse Pez that he downed in 2 seconds flat :)

The boys were super chuffed with all their pressies, but not so impressed that the weather wasn't good enough for them to go outside & use any of them!! So they just had to play inside while we got ready for our 10 o'clock brunch with the be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. Haha Spences face waking up!! Pretty chuffed with his Pez though. Mac really is the best at posing/smiling for photos. But what about the lazy eye in the shot outside his bedroom??! I've never seen that before
