Tuesday 22 April 2014

Mac's 6th birthday

I uploaded these pics off my camera straight after Mac's birthday & have been trying to figure out how to get the ones off my phone since then, but it's now 3 weeks later & I haven't had any luck figuring out why it just won't do it anymore, so I'm just gonna post these pics before Mac turns 7 instead!

This was my handsome little birthday boy on the way to school that morning. We had gone to the supermarket the afternoon before to choose his birthday lunch & he'd chosen Doritos, little jelly crocodiles & those Roadies shapes crackers. Lame choices if you ask me, but he was so happy to get to pick his own lunch for a change so that was 
cool :) Man, I love this little guy xoxo

Oh & the hat was one of his birthday pressies. We actually only got him two things this year - the hat & a $20 credit for the app store so he could choose some paid games for his ipad for a change!

After school we picked him up & went down to Marlborough Park for a rip around (the skate bowl down there is always his fave) & then it was off to Burger Fuel for his birthday dinner (his choice). I can't say I'm surprised he didn't choose one of my yummy healthy home cooked meals for his special day & I probably should've been offended lol, but it's always so nice not to have to cook for a change, so Burger Fuel was all good with me!

His volcano cake was looking all good until I did the lava part & then that was a bit runnier than it was supposed to be, so things got a little bit messy.... but it was filled with chocolate ganache so it actually tasted great! How could it not be with that inside right?!!.....And the little birthday boy was stoked with it, so that's the main thing!

Grandie came over for cake too so the boys had a blast with him, playing around & having tickles. I'm so glad they have their special Grandie close by! I only wish they had Grandma Julie here to spoil them too!!

We love you our precious Mac & are so proud of the big boy you're becoming. It's so cool to see you learning & growing so quickly now that you're at school & we can't wait to see what the next year will bring! x

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so glad these pics finally saw the light of day. I haven't seen him for ages. We've had his present on the bench for a few weeks!!!! Hopefully tomorrow we can come over. Cool pics of Grandie and Mac. His collage of birthday cakes is getting better and better by the year!
