Wednesday 23 July 2014

My boys xoxo

A few weeks ago the boys went to church with matching ties so Stan asked if I could get a few pics of them when we got home....

It was then that I realised that our big boy really does have a talent for cracking out the most beautiful photo smile - an art which our little boy hasn't quite mastered yet haha

Because Spence still doesn't cooperate when he's asked to smile for the camera, the only way to get a nice photo of him is to take the pic while he's just smiling or laughing naturally - hence the reason he's almost never looking at the camera in any of his best photos. In alot of ways I love those shots even more though, cause they really capture the enjoyment of the moment xx

Anyways, I'm so eternally grateful for my 3 handsome boys & that we can be together forever. Some days they can drive me up the wall & around the bend, but my life just wouldn't be the same without them in it & I love them more than any treasure money could ever buy - wouldn't trade them for anything xxx

The out-takes on the iphone's tough work trying to get good pics!!

1 comment:

  1. What a cool post to read/look at. Love everyone's smiles. Next week you needa do a Mum and sons photoshoot....seriously, would love to see that one too
