Thursday 10 July 2014

Little things...

Here are just a few random pics from the last couple of months that I need to catch up on....

Can never get enough of my babies when they're asleep xxx (too bad the feeling's not always the same when they're awake lol) This was Spence crashed out after we got home from the gym & creche one day. Love the little routine me & this little sidekick have while Mac's at school :)

Icecream treat after me jamming his fingers in the truck door one afternoon :( Oh my gosh, it was so gross & distressing for me (& him of course!!), but since I was the only one at home with him I had to pull myself together & get him up to the White Cross asap....straight after it happened he had a big dent across all of his fingers, but by the time we were seen by the doctor about 15 minutes later, his fingers looked back to normal!! Amazing!! Thank goodness for soft baby bones!
Those poor puppy dog eyes still made me feel like the worst Mum in the world though!

Aunty B & Dallin x (Wonder whether B's gonna be holding a pink or a blue baby in 6 months time??!!)

Dallin all happy & content now that she's with Uncle Pete haha

This little guy in a bit of a jam at the park one afternoon lol

Aunty B to the rescue :)

I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday x 
(Spence & I had this little walk around the temple while we waited for Aunty B & Uncle Pete to finish their visit at Bill & Judes one afternoon (is that the right names B?)

A few more pics from Ella Bella's party...

Next birthday this little dynamite will be in a school uniform! :D 
Watch out Summerland lol 
(p.s I wonder why they called it Summerland? 
Summer feels like such a distant memory right now after two long weeks of wind & rain!)

Awhile ago the boys decided to make a fort so pulled off all the couch cushions & brought out heaps of blankets & pillows from the room... then they changed their minds & decided they wanted to go ride the bikes on the deck, & so off they went. Don't worry about putting anything away guys!! I love to follow you around & tidy up all of your mess :(

Mell & B do you remember this S thingy? I dunno who taught Mac to do it but I had a little laugh when I found it on the bench one day cause I'm pretty sure we did those at some stage too :)

Mac's first ever bedroom door sign which he made on Queen's birthday weekend. I dunno why, but after talking about what that holiday was for on the Monday, he thought it was appropriate to make one of these signs lol

Our very own Stonedine. My master chef was in heaven the day this arrived! Actually I was too cause our old frying pan was rubbish & this is just amazing. Absolutely love it!

So easy to clean & you don't have to use any oil!!

Kiwiyo date with this little guy while Mac was at his end of term disco

Mac's costume for his space themed book week

Selfies with my Spence x

Pyjama day for Mac - last day of term 2

My first ever little love note about me from my big boy. I'm glad he thinks I'm a good mum cause although I'm not as patient as I wish I could be, I do try my best - so hopefully this is the first of many more love notes to come cool he can write on his own now! Love seeing him learning & growing :)

1 comment:

  1. haha, he got stuck real good in the tree. The S thing cracked me up, and the stay out of my room sign. haha
