Monday 17 November 2014

Our baby shower message for B xoxo

Just this past Saturday B had her baby shower over in Oz & a couple of months ago her sister n law, Sarah (who was organizing it for her), contacted us & asked if we'd like to put together a slideshow with some photos of her & Mum & maybe a message from us - just so that we could feel like we were a part of it. So sweet :)

Anyways, Mell & I were super excited to be able to be a part of the celebrations in some small way, so planned to get onto it a.s.a.p!

However, as is often the case with me, I procrastinated - all the while still excited to do something special....& I have to say Mell, who isn't usually a procrastinator, was equally as bad too....meaning that we only got it filmed at our family dinner last Sunday. So for a few days after that I was editing the clips trying to get the slideshow sorted so it'd be all ready to send....& I have to say, I think it came out really good!! At least B said she loved it, so mission accomplished :) Yay!  

                              Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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Can't wait to see our new little Miss just after Christmas!! Unless she decides to surprise us all & come early ;) x

1 comment:

  1. So awesome alright. And yes I am procrastinating a bit lately. Put off booking that ticket to the Goldie and woke up this morning to realise it finished last night without me. Damn it cause I'd ok'd the dates with my babysitter and everything!
