Monday 29 December 2014

Christmas Eve with the Leones

Stan & I have been married for 9 years now & for the last 8 Christmases we've celebrated with the Leone family in the morning & then the Ormsby family in the afternoon.....however things are always a lot more rushed than we'd like them to be, so this year we tried something a little different, which made things so much better :) :) :) 

Instead of catching up with both our families on Christmas day we met up with our Leone fam on Christmas Eve.... Boy am I so grateful that my boys have the coolest cuzzies! And we're so lucky to have Aunty Jose & Uncle Mattsy & their crew just a couple of streets away from us :)

Spence was just a little bit excited to be kicking off opening pressies for 2014 :D

You can't beat the facials of little kids at Christmas - I love how the excitement is just oozing out of them!

He LOVED his new shorts & t-shirt from Aunty Jose & has been trying to wear them every day since lol

This big boy has been opening pressies for a good few years now!.... & still loving it ;)

Blakey's first real Christmas :) (He was only 5 days old last year so that didn't really count!)

The cuzzies (Ben & Josh were there too, but I didn't get them in the photo!)

Love this gorgeous girl x

And her adorable little bro! (Hard to believe these two are so closely related!)

It was such a cool, chilled out night just exchanging pressies & eating brownie & icecream together. The kids all had a blast hanging out & being silly & then it was off home to bed to set up for Santa's arrival!!!.....(to be continued....)

p.s Just on a gross note - Spencer walked straight into our house after we'd driven back from Jose's & vomited all over the tile floor in our entrance way. He had stuffed himself full of so much chocolate & dessert, that his poor little body just couldn't cope!!

Mac's last day of year 2

Mac finished up school on Tuesday the 16th of December this year - which was a whole 2 weeks ago I know, but things have just been so busy that I haven't had a chance to write this up until now :) I still remember so clearly the day he started in Rm 5 with Ms Lovegrove back in February so it was a little bit hard to believe that the year was all done & dusted just like that!

Things were really busy with selling the BMW & then car hunting on the week he finished up, so organizing the teacher's pressie & little class treats was left right up until the last minute.....I was super chuffed with the cute little design the noodle boxes from Spotlight had on them this year though. I thought last year was cute, but these were even cuter :)

Mac & Ms Lovegrove. She's been such an awesome teacher!

I didn't manage to get a pic of the card we made for her this year, but when the printer ran out of ink just as I was trying to print Mac's photo for the front of it that morning, I tried to convince him that it'd be fine to just give her a normal Christmas card instead....but he got all choked up & said in a sad little voice 
'but then she won't remember who I am' haha. Good to know he thinks so highly of himself ;)

Mac & a few of his besties, from Left - Jaylin, who came from China a few months back & couldn't speak any English!, Mac & Ethan

Noah, Mari-Lyn & Mac

12 out of his class of 20 (you don't have to come on the last half day if you don't want to - & apparently you don't have to wear uniform either, which we didn't know!)

And last but not least, here is his final report to wrap up Year 2. We were super impressed with how he's tracking as well as his improvements in attitude & effort since his mid year report so here's hoping that next year is just onwards & upwards from here x