Monday 29 December 2014

Christmas Eve with the Leones

Stan & I have been married for 9 years now & for the last 8 Christmases we've celebrated with the Leone family in the morning & then the Ormsby family in the afternoon.....however things are always a lot more rushed than we'd like them to be, so this year we tried something a little different, which made things so much better :) :) :) 

Instead of catching up with both our families on Christmas day we met up with our Leone fam on Christmas Eve.... Boy am I so grateful that my boys have the coolest cuzzies! And we're so lucky to have Aunty Jose & Uncle Mattsy & their crew just a couple of streets away from us :)

Spence was just a little bit excited to be kicking off opening pressies for 2014 :D

You can't beat the facials of little kids at Christmas - I love how the excitement is just oozing out of them!

He LOVED his new shorts & t-shirt from Aunty Jose & has been trying to wear them every day since lol

This big boy has been opening pressies for a good few years now!.... & still loving it ;)

Blakey's first real Christmas :) (He was only 5 days old last year so that didn't really count!)

The cuzzies (Ben & Josh were there too, but I didn't get them in the photo!)

Love this gorgeous girl x

And her adorable little bro! (Hard to believe these two are so closely related!)

It was such a cool, chilled out night just exchanging pressies & eating brownie & icecream together. The kids all had a blast hanging out & being silly & then it was off home to bed to set up for Santa's arrival!!!.....(to be continued....)

p.s Just on a gross note - Spencer walked straight into our house after we'd driven back from Jose's & vomited all over the tile floor in our entrance way. He had stuffed himself full of so much chocolate & dessert, that his poor little body just couldn't cope!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool!!!!! Love seeing our cuzzies with more cuzzies. Blake and Stan...haha!
