Sunday 6 September 2015

Best costume ever! (So far....)

So way back at the end of June - just as term 2 was coming to a close, Mac had his annual book week dress up. The boys were hard out into watching Curious George back at the time, so when I asked Mac for ideas of what he wanted to be he said Curious George of course!! 

Making a monkey costume was a lot beyond my capabilities though, so I managed to convince him to be Ted (the yellow man) instead, & said that we could just buy George....& I'm so glad we did cause his costume on the day was my favourite costume of all the costumes we've done for him so far! Oh & another bonus was that he could be seen for miles away haha

All the effort was totally worth it too cause not only did he look awesome, he also won the prize for best costume in his team so he got a voucher to get a free book from the books for sale in the library which he was totally stoked about!! 
He chose one called "100 most destructive natural disasters", which he still reads before bed pretty much most nights even now it's almost 3 months on!! 


  1. Coolest costume alright! And awesome choice of book, that's right up my alley! :)

  2. Yeah that's the best man. Love that he's still loving his book prize!
