Saturday 21 November 2015

The Macster loses his 1st tooth

These are some more pics that I didn't get a chance to upload before our laptop went missing in action for the better part of the year, but that I don't wanna miss out on recording....the day Mac lost his first tooth - Feb 11th 2015 (2 months off his 7th birthday) 

He lost the other bottom one not long after that & then nothing's happened since so I guess he's gonna be as slow to lose them as he was to get them as a baby!! (He only got his 1st tooth at around 14 months!) 

Oh well, I'm sure we can handle waiting a little longer for those awkward big top teeth to arrive - am sure gonna miss that perfect little smile of his when all those baby teeth are gone cause the bottom two have come through crooked as! :(   

He got paid $2 for each of the 2 teeth he lost & just left the money sitting in the pillow & never spent it cause he said he would rather get to keep his teeth than get paid for them! Funny boy!
Oh & one day he actually found the little orange container I've kept them in at the top of our wardrobe & came in to show them to me looking all confused??! Once I realised why he was so confused (cause the tooth fairy was meant to have taken them when she left the money off course!!), I explained to him that the tooth fairy knew how attached he gets to things & how he doesn't like to throw things away, so I asked her if I could keep them for him so he can show them to his kids when he gets older ;) He totally bought it too lol.. Man the things we do as parents just to keep the magic alive for our kids ...
& just as equally for ourselves I think ;) 


  1. 1st tooth at 14 months?!! Wow. Yip and now youve gotta try extra hard to keep it alive with grandie living there. I go to jules today, wheres santa? (Kniwing shed look at the stuffed toy santa) and straight away dad goes 'santas not real!!' Haha. Im glad she cant understand him yet

  2. Grandie Grinch!!!! That pic of him looking at himself in the mirror is so cute! I think Faith's lost about 7 already
