Sunday 1 November 2015

Halloween 2015

My aim for this year's Halloween was to keep it super simple & stress free which meant not buying any new costumes & just choosing out of what we already have. So yesterday morning the boys went through the costume boxes & decided to go as a lion & batman (actually I may have done a little persuading getting Spence to be the lion by telling him he'd get more lollies in that costume cause he looked so super cute, but it was the last year it'd fit him so I figured we needed to get a bit more money's worth out of it since it was only worn by Mac once two years ago)

They were both super excited to get to the trunk n treat all day long but Spence was just a tad grumpy in these pics cause he didn't like the stupid little dots on the side of his nose lol

I managed to get him to smile by telling him to hurry up cause otherwise all the lollies would be gone before we even 
got there though, so just after this pic we headed off to the party!

The idea for Kol's trunk (actually his half the carpark more like!) 
was by far the coolest again :) 
That guy should be a party planner in his next life for sure ;)

The kids loved it & did it over & over again trying to beat their times

Pantyhose on your head is always a funny concept & entertaining to watch so just 
had to take a photo of Mac giving this one a go :)

Such a fun night & so much better being held earlier this year! This little critter didn't come home with much cause he was eating most of what he was given straight after he'd been given it.... Here's hoping the dental appointment goes without any hitches next time the dentist calls us up for a check up!!! 


  1. So flippn cute!!!! Colin's the man. Might steal that idea for our next one :)

  2. It always amazes me when males are that creative! Cutest little lion and handsomest batman! Man macs hair grows fast aye! Its so nice and thick
