Tuesday 26 January 2016

November/December little things

 I've just downloaded a whole heap of photos off my phone so here are just a few of the little things that happened in November & December.....

My young women & leaders were sweet enough to think of me & bring me some treats one night!! Isn't it the best when you're thinking 'Man I could do with some chocolate tonight!!' & someone drops some off!!!

This little guy making beetles by himself cause no-one could play with him at that moment!

Mac's first ever purchase with his pocket money after a few weeks of hard work. He was desperate for these silly smelly smiggle pencils cause apparently heaps of people in his class had them. I just say they're silly cause they cost $17!!! And what's even worse is that after he'd bought them I discovered they weren't even lead pencils he could do his writing with, they were coloured pencils! 

Anyways he wanted them really badly so he was super stoked with that little purchase! He even had to take them to the store lady & pay for them all himself, so that was just a little bit cute!

2nd Annual Black Friday party at the Halls :)

Couldn't miss getting a pic of these extremely well loved shoes in here. Mac wouldn't let me throw them out so they had to go out the back door one day while he was at school. He had a whole lot of fun in both of them, but they had definitely seen better days!!!

....And were way too small for him to keep cramming his feet into!

The love/hate jar experiment we started for FHE a couple of months back. We actually still have the jars & the rice doesn't look too bad for a couple of months down the track (I'll have to take an updated photo)...but we totally fizzled out on our experiment & Mac couldn't handle talking mean to the hate jar in their room so both jars got spoken to nicely which kinda defeated the purpose!

Our thankful tree for Thanksgiving 2015

The cool haircut I promised Spence haha

He was super excited when I said it was gonna be a really special one....

But totally unimpressed when he got to go & check it out in the mirror!

A few little touch ups using the youcam app Nat told us about lol

Mac came home from school one day & asked me if I could please stop writing the little lunchbox messages I'd been writing on his lid for the last 4 or so months....he'd totally liked them up until then & had even written back to me sometimes, but he said that some of the other boys were hassling him so he didn't want me to do them anymore :(

Anyways, I tried to convince him not to care about what other people think & wrote this message back to Cam, the main culprit!

Fastest 7 year old boys sprinter, yeeyah!

Spence excited & ready to open Mac's artwork that they'd brought home to give to their families as a Christmas gift...

I think this one is meant to be a self portrait?

Mac's cool surprise letter & Batman drawing from Uncle Pete & Aunty B :) He felt so special getting this!

At Clarey baby's baby-que - she just had her gorgeous little girl, Millie Joan Sayer, yesterday so I'm dying to meet her!!

Special visit to Nana Dixon. All the kids were so sweet & kind to all the old people :)

Mac's treatie for Ms Matuku to go with her movie voucher

Mac's makeover lol

Mac, Spence & Mrs Matuku - didn't really need to say goodbye cause he has her as one of his teachers again this year!

Mac's fun secret santa pressie that got delivered on a rainy Christmas Eve - perfect timing!

Spence & Uncle Carl on our special Denny's trip on New Year's Eve :)

New Year's Day with the fam x

 Saying sad goodbyes to Uncle Carl - the boys were so upset to see him go!

And that's a wrap! I still have more iphone pics to go, but will do a seperate post for Jan!