Saturday 16 January 2016

Christmas day 2015

Having all the kiddies sleeping out in the tent on Christmas Eve made for a really relaxed & nice early night for us adults. We had all the pressies out under the tree by 10:30pm & I think I heard the last sounds of chatter out in the tent at about 11pm, so it was a pretty good sleep that night until 7am when all the chaos began!!! 

This little munchkin had no idea what all the excitement was about but she still woke up a happy little camper for her very first Christmas....

It was all still a little over Dalls' head too...

But these guys knew exactly what was in store for them when they got in from the tent & they could hardly wait!!! :D :D :D

Seffy's "so excited I can't even see outta my eyes I'm smiling so hard" face lol - too cute! All the cuzzies being together reminded me of all those years ago when it was all of us with UV, AJ, Jared & Luke :)

Jules got a little bit spooked by all the commotion & wasn't quite sure about the whole opening pressies thing, but it was so special to have the Stoners with us for Christmas again!

Love the excitement on this little critter's face as she opens the bag & realizes what's inside :) x

If Ella was a carebear she would definitely be this one!

Can't believe I didn't actually get any pics of the food this Christmas, but for the record it was just the usual ham, barby, crumbed tatees, garlic bread, & salads....& then for dessert it was chocolate eclairs, trifle & apricot slice - & way too much of everything as always! 

Uncle Carl was meant to have arrived by the time we ate, but his flight was delayed at first & then cancelled, so he spent Christmas day all alone at the airport & then at a hotel in the city, until he finally managed to arrive Saturday afternoon!


  1. This seems like it was a year ago but it was like 3 weeks ago or something. Crazy. gotta adjust those quantities of food next year for sure. And no scootering for you!

  2. Oh man its so nice to see that lttle critter at the tops smile, its not happening much right now! What a cool trip, cant wait for the next!!

  3. P.s love the series of photos where shes looking at mac with the boggle haha
