Sunday 10 January 2016

Christmas Eve 2015

It's been over 2 weeks since Christmas now & I've been hard out procrastinating writing up these posts!! Rochelle's already done her NZ visit post though (which is super quick & totally unlike her!) & Mell's always so onto it with hers, so I was sitting on the couch right now just wanting to relax but feeling super guilty that I don't just get it done, so I've finally decided to bite the bullet lol.

We went over to Aunty Jose's again for Christmas Eve this year. It was meant to be our Christmas with the Leone's, but seeing as Stan still isn't home & Aunty B, Uncle Pete & Julie were here staying over at Aunty Mell's, we decided to have a big cuzzy sleepover there instead.

These cheeky monkeys loved having dinner & a play & presents together as always though.....& as per usual the boys were spoilt rotten by everyone! Oh & I forgot to take a photo of my pressies, but I also got spoilt this year with a beautiful Michael Hill necklace from Aunty Jose & a yummy Calvin Klein perfume from Toshi & Kayo! Such an exciting surprise when I hadn't been expecting anything at all this year!

These were some cool little Christmas tree brownies I made for our secret santa family. Wish I'd had time to get a good photo of the whole tray, but as usual I was rushing around at the last minute trying to get everything sorted so we could drop them off & get to Jose's on time. Think they turned out pretty cute though so I'll definitely make them again next year :)

Then after pressies with the Leone's, it was off to the Hekes to get all comfy in the tent with Uncle Jo & to get off to sleep before Santa arrived bearing even more gifts!..... 

So super grateful that my boys have so many special cuzzies to love & be loved by! TO BE CONTINUED.....

1 comment:

  1. oh love seeing Blake and Shylah. Definitely worth the effort of packing up and coming over. Can't believe this was only 2 weeks ago
