Sunday 9 April 2017

Phone pics from Jan-March 2017

These guys were lucky enough to get a parcel in the mail from Toshi & Kayo just before school started - a new pair of Nikes each!! How spoilt were they! Talk about perfect timing cause it was just before I was about to buy them a new pair of Warehouse shoes lol

Then instead of a back to school dinner this year we opted for an end of holidays/back to school beach day so the cuzzies could have one last day in the sunshine together before it was back to reality. Those summer holidays were definitely over way too soon! I think the back to school beach day is gonna have to stay the tradition from now on cause it's so much fun & you can't beat the ease (& taste) of fish 'n' chips at the beach!

Bayview actually started back pretty late in the week so we also got another couple of days to check out the new Albany Leisure centre pools without the crowds which the boys loved!

This was another one of those cool activities where the bros play like the best of friends which is always so awesome to watch! Nothing makes a mum's heart happier! If only it could last forever.....

Back to school blessings from Grandie. So special xxx

The bros back at Bayview for the 1st day 2017. 
Spencer Year 1, Mac Year 5 :)

The biggest flop chocolate chip cookies for our milk & cookies afternoon tea on their 1st day back. 
They tasted so bad, but the boys both said they loved them lol

Nadia Lim's vegetarian nachos. Me & Mac love us a nacho dinner but Dad always refuses it & Spence whinges his head off every time until he starts eating it & realises it's not that bad!

Summer Sunday afternoon walks around the rocks from Takapuna - Milford. A definite Leone favourite activity x

These guys are gonna have so many nice photos together over their lifetime. I know they hate how often I make them stop for pics but I also know they won't stay this cute forever & I never ever want to forget these precious moments

Spence had a random spew one Friday night (apparently there was a tummy bug going around his class). Thank goodness it was only the once for him cause apparently some of his classmates got it pretty bad :(

Then the next day we braved the crowds over at the Lantern festival. Our next door neighbour even talked Grandie into coming (which was actually kind've annoying cause I knew he was gonna hate it lol)

But we managed to stick around long enough to get some yummy spring rolls & heavenly Churros with peanut butter & chocolate sauce (actually they were probably more evil than heavenly in terms of calories, but so, so good!)

The morning after the lantern festival was stake conference & I got to wake up next to this beautiful face. I just lay there for awhile staring at him, thinking about how blessed I am to be his mum & then panicked that one day I would forget this handsome little 5 year old face so of course I had to take a pic x

Then since it was Valentines Day coming up on the Tuesday we headed up to Bastion Point for our annual Valentine's Day picnic

My first attempt at cheese scones in awhile were really good if I do say so myself!

Really hoping & praying that Stan will be here to celebrate his birthday & do this picnic with us again next year!

My amazing birthday dessert at the Chocolate Shop with Mell, Tui & rude that I have a photo on my phone of the amazing dessert but none of my amazing company!! Always LOVE those nights out with my besties x

Before the dessert out with the girls it was Burger Fuel for my birthday dins with Mell & my two fave boys x

Then last but not least some super cute cupcakes I made for the school community disco. I've finally got a recipe that gives me the perfect consistency for getting the icing right so I was really happy with how these turned out

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