Sunday 23 April 2017

Mac's 1st photography exhibition!

Way back in the first week of term, our Faith in God leader Sister Richards, posted a message on Facebook letting us know that there was an Auckland Art's Festival photography course for kids starting in Northcote the very next day, if anyone was interested. So seeing as Mac's always been keen on trying to steal my camera & wanting him to be able to take part in an awesome (& completely free) photography course taught by actual professionals I asked him if he might be interested & when he said yes, we hurriedly rushed to complete the application form as well as send through some of his latest pics. 

Even though the applications were meant to close way back at the start of January, there were heaps of spaces left so with only 1 day to go, he was lucky enough to get a place! Not only that, but I quickly told Jose about it too so him & Shylah got to go along together which made it even more special :)

They both had a blast & came home super amped every night that week...& the coolest thing of all was that they got their very own little Canon cybershot cameras to keep! How awesome is that!

By the end of their classes the kids had each selected their 3 favourite photos out of everything they'd taken & in the middle of March these 3 photos were launched at an exhibition at the North Art Gallery & over at Aotea square... So even though he's only 8, my handsome little photographer has already has his work in a full blown, legit photography exhibition! It was such a proud parent moment & such a confidence builder for Mac :) It was so cute when one night, after going over to Aotea square to see his photos, he said in our evening prayer "Thank you that I got to do something that not many others got to do & that now I'm famous & other people can see my photos" lol. I love those precious little moments that show how my babies really think & feel x

So without further ado, here are the pics of his special experience!

This photo was taken by one of his teachers, Brendon Kitto, & was displayed alongside his photos in the exhibition. 
Is this dude handsome or what?!

Outside the Northart Gallery on the day of the exhibition opening

Standing in front of his photos :)

Alongside the rest of the kids that attended holding up one of his 
posters that were also displayed around Auckland during the festival

Some little goodies after the formalities

Cuzzie love x

Ella & Pod by one of his posters out in Henderson :)

Visiting Aotea square

One of Shylah's photos

Spence with another one of Shy's photos

The bro's on the bus ride back to Silo Park

 So all in all it was such a cool experience & we'll definitely keep our eyes out for more opportunities like this in the future. You can't beat a good photo so I for one hope it's just the start of something that he stays interested in for a long time yet! So proud of you my precious boy x


  1. So proud alright! I so wish i could've been there. Imagine if he becomes a photographer! What a cool faith in good last to think of the kids when she saw that
