Tuesday 11 September 2012

My baby can walk!!!

I have to say that I didn't think it was gonna happen in time, but on the 5th of September - 10 days before his 1st birthday, Spency took a few steps :) :) Hooray!!!

 Six days on he's still massively preoccupied with the whole upright thing & pulls himself up, takes a few steps & then plops back down again a million times a day. It's so gorgeous to see a little one so determined & intrigued by new things..... Oh & proud as punch when he gets so much recognition for his efforts :)

I think Mac's been a little bit jealous of all the praise & attention that this is taking away from him, but on the other hand there's been HEAPS of giggling from the two little bros as Mac encourages Spence to motor around.  

Only 4 more days to go till party time, yay :)

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