Wednesday 26 September 2012

Spider's 1st Birthday Party

On Saturday just gone we had Spency Wency Spider's 1st birthday party. I'd originally planned to have the party on his actual birthday, the week before, but had postponed it because of the rain that was luckily a week later the sun was finally shining, yay!!! Unfortunately a week later, Spency himself wasn't feeling too hot, but we still had a great time nonetheless :) :)

Grandie was there, along with Bubu & Popsie, Aunty B & Uncle Pete, Numy & Uncle Jo, Aunty Jose & Mattsy, Aunty Tash, Aunty Linda, Great Aunty Jill & the cuzzies (Pod, Ella, Seth, Shylah, Bronson & Larielle). What a lucky big (little) one year old he is to be surrounded by so many people who love him to pieces!!!

I found a cool party invite on Pinterest a couple of months ago that I really wanted to do, so a few weeks back I cut out the letters & got Spence out on the deck to snap a few quick pics of him holding the "O" the "N" & the "E", but as usual he wouldn't have a bar of it :( :( ....

Party invite inspiration from Pinterest

His big brother was keen though lol


Would've been a bit rough to send Mac's moosh out on Spencer's invite though, so after yet another photography failure I just gave up on the whole invite thing....

Until 2 days before the party that is, when I decided that I should've sent out invites after whipped up these little beauties

I'd decided on a pizza & chips/cake & icecream menu for the party just to keep things low key/low stress/low mess, but being the snail in the kitchen that I am when it comes to prep for any kind of party or event, I still managed to stay up till 2am in the morning! (Which I find sooooooo hard to do these days What a nana I know!)....but anyways the cake & pretzel/chocolate spider webs I made to sit on top of our bowls of icecream turned out great so that was cool :)

Here's the slideshow of pics from the day xx


1 comment:

  1. Love the clapping and leg pumping at the end. Man you two make good looking children....I just thought watching that that Mac's kind of a mini Stanie and I think Pence is like his Mumma. I'm so loving the pics and movies...keep them coming!
