Thursday 11 October 2012

Rollercoaster Day

Today we woke up to a stunner of a day outside which was perfect timing as Mac had Ben, his besty from kindy coming over & he was hoping that they'd be able to play with their bikes & scooters on the driveway.

As we were tidying up from breakfast though, Ben's Mum texted & said that he wasn't well so they wouldn't be able to make it after all:( 

Mac was gutted until I told him that maybe we could go to the park with Niwa instead?? So I texted Bex & Niks to see if they were keen, but Niwa had a hospital appointment & Nikau had a tummy bug, so they were out too!!!

Then I remembered that Mell had the Mum's group on at her house this morning, so I called up B & we decided to head over there & surprise her.

B came over to ours & as she was walking down the stairs from the deck to the car she dropped her iphone on the concrete & the screen cracked :( :(

When we got over to Mell's, Spence (who already had bright red cheeks from I don't know what) was trying to climb down the one step off Mell's deck & fell face first onto the concrete! I saw it was about to happen, but not until it was too late & with not enough time to make it from where I was sitting, to where he was about to fall :( :(

This resulted in his already banged up face looking even worse!!

We couldn't stay for long as we had to get B home for work, so that meant we were back at home by 1:15pm. B headed off to work & I looked at the two boys - Mac being a little monkey as usual & Spence grizzling about something or other & thought to myself "wow we've got heaps of the afternoon left! What are we gonna do now???!!!" 

No answer came to mind for that question, but Mell had made some yummy Mint brownies as the refreshments for her Mum's group & I'd brought two pieces home - one for Mac & one for me.....& as I was despairing about how I was going to make it through the rest of the afternoon, I suddenly remembered those :) :)

So I went to get them out of the car & then took the container back into my room & closed the door lol. 
I might not have known what I was gonna do for the rest of the afternoon, but I was feeling pretty happy about the next couple of minutes where I was going to sit on my bed, uninterrupted, eating a yummy brownie :) (I told Mell I did this when I spoke to her on the phone a little later on & she said she could so picture me doing that. Shame!!! I'd just like to state that I don't usually barricade myself inside my room & scoff down sweeties! I may do from now on though - it was actually really relaxing lol)

I put the container with the remaining piece up high in the cupboard cause it was so yummy that I wasn't sure whether Mac was gonna end up getting the piece that was meant for him or not....

The boys were pottering around on the deck by now so I called my precious Nan, who turned 95 today, to wish her a Happy Birthday :) It was so cool catching up with her!

Not so cool to walk back inside to find that Mac had left the bathroom door open so Spence was now playing around the toilet bowl :(

And even less cool to glance down into the toilet bowl as I pulled him away to see that he'd dropped my Iphone in there :( :(

So super uncool to have to pull it out & find it dead :'(

This happened at 4:20pm & I had just not long before called up the doctor to get an appointment for her to see Spence's cheeks at 4:45pm, so I quickly bundled the boys into the car & rushed up to Vodafone to see if there was anything they could do to save my phone??

They told me it would cost, so I didn't go ahead with it right now as I can use Stan's phone in the meantime....but it's currently sealed in a glad bag with silica gel & rice, all snug in the hot water cupboard so I'm praying for a miracle & that it comes back to life??!! I really hope my faith is sufficient!

Anyways, the doctor didn't really know what was wrong with Spence's cheeks - our best guess was that he's had an allergic reaction to the eyedrops she prescribed us yesterday. I'd only used them twice since we got them, but he violently protested both times & rubbed it away from his eyes & all around his cheek area straight after, so maybe that was it? She prescribed us an antihistamine to try & clear up the allergic reaction so I guess we'll see how it goes from there??? 

He can't look any worse in the morning surely!

At least the whole day wasn't a total write-off. It was a beautiful sunny day for the washing outside & the lawns finally got their MUCH needed mow :) :)
Plus we still had half of last night's dinner left for tonight, so I didn't need to cook! I love it when that happens :)
P.S I did end up asking Mac later on tonight if he wanted to share a piece of Numy's brownie with me....He'd forgotten or not realised that one of the pieces was actually meant for him so he was happy for us to halve it lol. What a mean Mum aye :) I couldn't help it. It was so good!

P.P.S Spence just started crying so I went to put his dummy back in & his sleep sack was lying next to him still all zipped up. 

Um, I put him to sleep in that a couple of hours ago so how did he get out of it?? I'm pretty sure the whole invention of the sleep slacks was to solve the problem of babies wriggling out of their blankets?? Trust Spence to then wriggle out of the sleep sack!!

Goodbye October 11. I can't say I'll be upset to see the back of you!! 
What a day :)

1 comment:

  1. oh man, you weren't really winning yesterday aye.....apart from the slice of course. It wasn't so much that I could imagine you doing that, but that I could imagine myself doing it. Sisters alike!
