Sunday 7 October 2012

Windy weekend at the Museum

So after the first week of kindy holidays the boys & I were feeling a bit of cabin fever from spending more time at home than we would've liked. 

We've been out to creche every day & to the park once, but it's been so cold & windy again that we've also been watching heaps of movies snuggled up under blankies on the couch with our bowls of popcorn in hand (unfortunately we can only do this while Spence is sleeping!)

Anyways we don't go to creche on Saturdays & seeing as everyone was at a bit of a loose end with what to do & no birthday party to go to :( (seems like we've had quite a few of those lately), we decided on a family trip to the museum.

Walking up to the museum from the car, Dad reminisced on how this was the sort of thing that him & Mum used to do with us every Saturday when we were young - load up the van with all the kids & just head out somewhere for the day. He said that that was our Saturday ritual every weekend for years until the older kids started getting too cool for school & not wanting to come anymore :( (That almost made me wanna cry :( Teenagers can be so mean!)

If it's any consolation though Dad, we have SUCH fun memories of all the trips & adventures you & Mum took us on. We were so blessed to have such a great childhood with a Mum & Dad who loved us & spent so much time with us :) :) 

I guess like most things in life it's come full circle, because now that I have two little monkeys of my own, there's no other way I rather spend my Saturday than chilling out with my awesome fam.
I love you guys xxx

Check out those legs!!

Dad wanted me to take a pic of this so I guess it had to make it to the blog lol. I actually never knew New Zealand had geckos so I don't know where these little things are hiding out other than in the museum??

Spence just wanted to climb up & down steps

Pod got hungry & lost the plot lol

P.S My highlight of the trip was probably actually us oldies having a little stroll down memory lane on the grass area outside the museum seeing who had the best hand stand & cartwheel technique.

We were all pretty shocking but it was a great laugh & we've decided to go home & put in some practice & revisit this competition at a later stage :)

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