Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas 2012 (Part 1)

Christmas has got to be one of the BEST times of the year for parents & children alike :) 

When you're a kid it's impossible to comprehend that anything could ever beat the anticipation & excitement of ripping open your presents on Christmas morning to see what Santa has left you....& for many years I wouldn't have believed that anything could beat that either, but seeing the anticipation & excitement in my kids faces while they're ripping open their presents beats that hands down!! (Well actually it's just Mac's face for now, but I'm sure Spence's time will come - when he finally gets a chance to open his own presents that is!!)

Putting out Santa's snacks - Favourites, Strawberries, Frozen peas for the reindeer & banana milk :)

The goodies from Bishop Stone who did his usual Santa drop off on 
Christmas eve :)

Santa's helper preparing the snowy footprints (even though it's been way too muggy for snow lol)

The crepe paper Santa's elves taped over Mac's door just in case he woke up while Santa was delivering his pressies :)

I thought he would think the crepe paper all over his door was cool, 
but he was initially really grumpy about it & just busted through it....he warmed up again though once we explained why it was there

Pics of Mac opening pressies.....
can't get enough of those facial expressions!! xxx

Cheese :)

And even more cheese :) :)

Mac LOVES to watch domino clips on youtube - the ones where people make trails out of thousands & thousands of dominos....he just doesn't seem to get sick of watching them, so now he can make his own :) Yay!

See that tiny bit of paper in Spence's hand? That's pretty much the only bit of present he got to unwrap himself lol

Amazed that Santa knew exactly what crocodile he'd been wanting from 
the $2 shop :)

I knew Slinky's would be right up Spence's alley - 
he had to taste them 1st of course!

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