Sunday 30 December 2012

Goodbye 2012, it's been nice knowing you

Pics from the date Mac & I went on to see the Telecom tree   

It's hard to believe that today is the last day of 2012??!! This year has just flown by for me & has definitely been the CRAZIEST, but also one of the BEST years of my life (thus far :).... looking forward to many more to come!)

This year I've had challenges & trials that have pushed me to my limit on soooo many levels, but as I've held fast to the gospel principles that I know & love, I've felt a peace amidst the chaos that I know can only come from a loving Heavenly Father who knows me personally & who loves me unconditionally. I'm so grateful for that knowledge & to know that with Him by my side, I can get through anything. I'm also so thankful that alot of the time he leaves me to struggle & work things out on my own even when I'd prefer to have the answer handed to me on a platter lol...I feel like I've grown so much this year because of that very reason.

Such a special night with my BFF xxx

I'm also super grateful to have the best family in the whole wide world!!! I love the Plan of Salvation & how Heavenly Father organized us into families :) I know everyone thinks their family in the best, but I testify that mine is totally the best for me. All of us are far from perfect, but I love that we're all on this journey striving towards perfection together - even if we're along way off lol (& those of my family members that are reading this now & have just thought "speak for yourself, I'm almost there!" - you are further away than most of us lol.....just kidding haha)

The teenage me can't believe I'm saying this, but nothing makes me happier than being with my family!! I cringe when I think back to those teenage years when I became too cool to hang out with them, because now they're my "BFF's" as Mac calls them (That stands for Best Friends Forever Dad).

I know B's already mentioned this, but on Boxing Day we had lunch with Dad, G, B & Pete at the foodcourt & then Dad needed to go up & fill their car with water before they left, so rather than saying our goodbyes & going our separate ways from there, Dad put Spence in the trolley & all 8 of us went up to their car together even though it was in opposite direction of where ours was parked . 

Cheesy, but as we were all walking & talking I thought to myself, I wonder what other family would do this??!!! 8 people with a trolley & pushchair in tow all going to fill up the water in one car lol......I love how when you're with the people you love it's not about what you're doing, it's just about being together. I don't think there's any doubt we love being together :)

o.k well I think that's enough of a ramble for the end of 2012 :) It's been one heck of a rollercoaster, but the views from the top have been worth every minute of the struggles at the bottom. I'm so grateful for how much they've helped me to grow. 

Nikole just posted a quote on facebook this morning that I really liked that said that "the only way to predict the future is to create it" & so with 2013 just around the corner I'm pretty amped to see what we can make of it!!! Happy New Year xxx

1 comment:

  1. So well said. I feel like I haven't done a good reflection like this, so I'll do that tonight when I think about 'creating' my future as well.
    And I love how you all walked to the car together. Wish I had been there to join in!!!!
