Saturday 1 December 2012

The blog is back!!!.....and Mac gets his hair cut :)

Wow, so after almost a month of no posts from me, I'm finally back!! I tried to do an entry a few weeks ago, but it wouldn't let me upload my pics, saying that I'd reached my maximum storage space & that I'd now have to pay a monthly subscription fee :(

So anyways after these last few weeks of deliberating on whether I wanted to commit to that, or if I could actually live without my blog, I finally came to the conclusion that I had no other choice but to pay the subscription & keep on going :) 

It's actually been depressing having so many things that I'd usually wanna blog about just pass me by over these last few weeks without being able to record them.... & this morning the pain just finally got too much!!

I jumped online to read up on the different storage plan options & discovered that if I keep my photos to below a certain file size I can actually keep on blogging for free :)

So for now it seems I'm back on track without having to pay, but I'm wondering what'll happen next time I want to upload a movie?? Anywho, we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it cause for now I've got a bit of catching up to do! x

Mac totally hates having his hair shaved - at least he does when I do it!? If I even tried to suggest it the whole time Stan was away, he'd kick up the biggest stink & then run a mile. This was also partly due to the fact that he was trying to grow it long so he could pull off a mohawk like Spence, but after a few months of no cut & his hair still growing pretty much flat to his head, he finally agreed to shave it all off :) 

How wrong is it that Stan only had to suggest it once & he said o.k, & then sat there all calm & collected as, while it all came off. Seriously whenever I do it, there's sobbing & tears for Africa!

I've never really been a fan of Mac with longer hair, but by the end of this 3 month stint (which has been his longest ever!), I was actually a little sad to see it go

Chuffed that he'd qualified for the treat that he'd chosen at the supermarket beforehand :) He inhaled the whole pack that afternoon. I hope we can teach him to save money more successfully than we've been with trying to help him make his treats last!

1 comment:

  1. You're back. Yayyyyy! SO how much will it set you back??
