Tuesday 26 February 2013

Last weekend...

I've wanted to check out the lantern festival for the last few years now & so I was super excited that this year it would finally work out for me to go!!!

Having fun trying out tricks with the camera :)

 I knew I had to take Mac as I thought he'd think it was the coolest thing ever....& since we didn't want Pod missing out on any of the action, we invited her over for a sleepover as well :)

Anyway, it turns out that every man & his dog goes to the lantern festival, so Pod & Mac spent alot of time walking around in a sea of people at pretty much butt height lol....so yeah, I'm not sure how impressed by it all they actually were & I don't think I'll ever go again, but I'm happy that I can at least say I've been & that I now know that it's not really my thing...

Pete on the other hand loves scary asian food so it was right up his alley....

The next morning Mac was desperate to do Pod's hair. She was fine with it for a little while, but after he kept following her around everywhere, she told him to beat a path lol....p.s these two scrapped all morning & then Mac had a massive meltdown coming home after dropping Pod off - note to self that late nights sooooo aren't worth it!!
My birthday jar of love from my Beehives on Sunday :)
Mac with his easter egg treat from the Church fairy + the loader Toshi & Kayo brought over for him & Spence the night before....there have been nothing but scraps over that thing ever since!!! (And it takes up half the lounge it's so big!)

And last but not least, just some cutie pics from our yummy Sunday dins at the Hekes.....

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Besties :)

I love that one of my besties, Bex has one of the most gorgeous little monkeys on the planet & that Niwa & Mac are also besties :)

Isn't that just the cutest little face!!

Him & Mac get on so well so it's the coolest for them to be able to hang out together & to have Niwa come over to play :)

We loved having you over to play yesterday Niwa 
& can't wait for you to come again!!

Everyone eating frozen peas waiting for the dinner to be ready :)

They were laughing & giggling playing out the back, & when we went to see what was so funny, we found them jumping up & pulling the washing off the line :) What great little helpers! 

Sharing iceblocks :)

Sunday 17 February 2013

Love Day

Love Day is such a better name than Valentines Day B so I'll go with that too :).... 

Last year we did our Valentines butterfly pops & Spence's "I mustache you a question card....", but this year I hadn't been planning on doing anything, until I jumped on pinterest & just couldn't resist some of the cute ideas that came up!

I'd make things SOOOO much easier for myself if I decided I wanted to make something & then completed it little by little over a month or so.......but no, it has to be good old last minute every time, so there were a couple of late nights there while I got everything done.

But oh well.... it was totally for the greatest cause & I hope it showed my family how much I LOVE & ADORE them! xxx

Here are some of the pics from our Love Day :) ............

Valentine's heart messages & treaties for the Heke's box

Stan's birthday cake from the day before.....he wasn't going to have one but Mac couldn't understand how you could have a birthday without a cake so we bought two of Pete's fave mud cakes from the supermarket & put strawberry frosting in the middle (such a lazy cake but it actually tasted alright!)

The valentine's box Stan found at the door after I knocked & pretended there was someone there so he would answer it.......he was a little bummed about having just given me a card after he opened the box full of hearts with about 50 things that I love about him written on them lol....I told him not to worry though cause I loved the card & the beautiful words inside it.... (that plus the fact that it's pretty impossible for a guy to be more creative than a girl - not that it's a competition anyways!!!)  

The love tins I made at our YW's activity for my VT sisters :) Don't you think they turned out super cute!

Super excited about dropping Grandie's box & then running
away to hide & watch him open the door....

The bodybuilder who actually opened the door...

The Ensign drop off so didn't go to plan :( We'd wanted Grandie to open the door to get the surprise, but Uncle Pete informed us that Grandie had gone up North & that Aunty B was out too, so we left the box with Uncle Pete who said he'd climb out the bathroom window & do a random knock so that B would go out to find the parcel as well :)....

In the evening after our deliveries to all the family as well as their kindy & creche teachers, we headed up to Bastion Point for a romantic picnic haha. It was pretty hard to have any romance with the two rippers running around, but it was a cool night nevertheless :) 

Can you guess whose hand this is? As soon as the tin foil came off, he was in there :0)

Pence falling into the flower garden - not impressed - the flowers weren't either not surprisingly. He totally flattened them!

Stan's rose photo....he's so into technology & phones & laptops etc so maybe him taking the photo of the rose was the substitute for him getting me a real one lol

Love my boys xxxx