Sunday 17 February 2013

Love Day

Love Day is such a better name than Valentines Day B so I'll go with that too :).... 

Last year we did our Valentines butterfly pops & Spence's "I mustache you a question card....", but this year I hadn't been planning on doing anything, until I jumped on pinterest & just couldn't resist some of the cute ideas that came up!

I'd make things SOOOO much easier for myself if I decided I wanted to make something & then completed it little by little over a month or so.......but no, it has to be good old last minute every time, so there were a couple of late nights there while I got everything done.

But oh well.... it was totally for the greatest cause & I hope it showed my family how much I LOVE & ADORE them! xxx

Here are some of the pics from our Love Day :) ............

Valentine's heart messages & treaties for the Heke's box

Stan's birthday cake from the day before.....he wasn't going to have one but Mac couldn't understand how you could have a birthday without a cake so we bought two of Pete's fave mud cakes from the supermarket & put strawberry frosting in the middle (such a lazy cake but it actually tasted alright!)

The valentine's box Stan found at the door after I knocked & pretended there was someone there so he would answer it.......he was a little bummed about having just given me a card after he opened the box full of hearts with about 50 things that I love about him written on them lol....I told him not to worry though cause I loved the card & the beautiful words inside it.... (that plus the fact that it's pretty impossible for a guy to be more creative than a girl - not that it's a competition anyways!!!)  

The love tins I made at our YW's activity for my VT sisters :) Don't you think they turned out super cute!

Super excited about dropping Grandie's box & then running
away to hide & watch him open the door....

The bodybuilder who actually opened the door...

The Ensign drop off so didn't go to plan :( We'd wanted Grandie to open the door to get the surprise, but Uncle Pete informed us that Grandie had gone up North & that Aunty B was out too, so we left the box with Uncle Pete who said he'd climb out the bathroom window & do a random knock so that B would go out to find the parcel as well :)....

In the evening after our deliveries to all the family as well as their kindy & creche teachers, we headed up to Bastion Point for a romantic picnic haha. It was pretty hard to have any romance with the two rippers running around, but it was a cool night nevertheless :) 

Can you guess whose hand this is? As soon as the tin foil came off, he was in there :0)

Pence falling into the flower garden - not impressed - the flowers weren't either not surprisingly. He totally flattened them!

Stan's rose photo....he's so into technology & phones & laptops etc so maybe him taking the photo of the rose was the substitute for him getting me a real one lol

Love my boys xxxx

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